Answer & Awards.

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161. Safe.

Answer: She is a seal. Her coat is her fur and the purple is dye used to make seal fur unwanted by poachers.

F.F : @Popcornforwolves.

W: @Tomkluiby.

B.A: @haroldthesleepycat.

But the question is why should she be safe in the snow with a coat when there is no fire?

F.A: @askuki032603.

Because marshmallows from frozen is with her.

162. Visible Lines.

Answer: A man in a wheelchair.

F.F: @psycho_fat14.

W: @psycho_fat14.

F. A: @Haroldthesleepycat.

His last customer in a wheelchair?

B. A: @Tris_fire. 

Lol. A psycho in a wheelchair. Though ice skates also leave parallel lines unless you twirl or something.

163. A fly tea.

Answer: she had put sugar in her tea,and when he came back the tea was sweet.

F. F: @psycho_fat14.

W: psycho_fat14.

F. A: @Antipeople.

That or she's a fucking psychic that enjoys feeding on flyless cups. I mean come on. Why hate on flies? #stopfly hate.

Jasmine: Maybe because they are little noisy things?

B. A: @Aomitsuki.

Maybe there was the fly's bloodstain or she was wearing lipstick and the cup was stained with it.

164. Crossroads Dangers.

Answer: He is mute. Therefore he takes the avalanche route.

F. F: @Pineapple_Lover01.

W: @Seungseongstan.

F. A: @professionalprocrast.

Turn back it's not worth it.

B. A: @Misty103.

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