Chapter 1

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The blonde's fingers rhythmically drummed on the counter top while she looked through her folder that contained every detail about her patient. It was nearing the end of her shift, so she was making sure everything was in order before she headed home for the night. A small thud broke her from the folder, to see her best friend, Spencer, about to do the same. Spencer wanted to become a heart surgeon, whereas Alison herself wanted to be a general surgeon. Spencer's plans were to stay, at Rosewood Hospital, in hopes to become the head of the best cardiac department in the area.

"Hey Alison." Spencer shifted to look at the blonde with a smile before going back to her charts.

"Hey Spence, long night?" The blonde closed her folder and handed it to the nurse at the station, who put it back in its spot, ready to be picked up bright and early tomorrow morning for rounds. Alison looked at Spencer, who didn't entirely look like she was exhausted, but that was probably due to the amount of coffee she ingested during the day, she still had a little pep in her step. Even though both women had been working for nearly eight hours, and it was now close to seven o'clock, they both usually had enough energy to last throughout their shifts.

"Yeah," the brunette sighed and closed her folder, handing it to the nurse as well. Alison has always envied Spencer a little bit. Spencer normally, and somehow, kept up with her charts throughout the day, making it more than likely that Spencer would get to leave at least fifteen minutes before her. But not tonight, tonight Alison had less patients, so she was able to get charting done throughout the day. "Long surgery today, and I have to go to Toby's game now." The brunette sighed and looked at the blonde again, this time with a mischievous smile spread on her face.

"What?" The blonde thought she may have had something on her face, and that thought embarrassed her. What if it had been there all day while she was treating patients?

"Come with me. Our boys are playing Toby, and Shane has been bothering you to go to a game since, like forever." Alison groaned. She didn't want to go out, and to some game none the less. She wanted to go home, eat dinner, and go to bed.

"Does Shane not realize that I'm gay?"

"Yes, but you're bi." The brunette pointed out, knowing her best friend. Again, Alison groaned at her friend. Spencer chuckled before adding, "but you've only dated one guy...and it didn't last very long, but he is aware that you like to play for both teams."

"Oh shut up." Alison playfully smacked Spencer's shoulder as the pair walked to their lockers to grab their belongings so they could finally leave the hospital.

"Seriously Ali, you should come. It's been like two years since you went out with anyone. Maybe you'll meet someone." Spencer shrugged. She closed her locker to look at her blonde friend who gave her that 'are you fricken kidding me' glare.

"And you think I'm going to meet someone at a lousy football game? Especially when they're all old fat guys." Alison laughed and closed her locker as the duo made their way out to their vehicles parked in the back of the lot.

"Hey," this time it was Spencer's turn to smack Alison's shoulder "don't be mean just because you don't want to go." They both stopped at the rear end of their vehicles, they were always parked right next to each other, when Spencer tried one last time. "If you hate it I'll buy you dinner."

Alison had always felt bad when she turned down Spencer's offers to hang out time and time again. This time, if she really didn't like it, at least she would get food out of the deal too. She had no idea what was going on throughout the game. Spencer tried explaining what was happening, but it was really no use. She watched football with her dad, who liked the Packers, they had always gotten hate for liking an out of state team, but she never knew what was going on. If her dad cheered, then so did she. The only things she understood was that Toby threw the ball, and they had to get the ball into the big white rectangle. The players ran around, without helmets or any other protection and fully hit one another, which made Alison very nervous. Men can be very rough, and without any protection...things could get bad. A quick thought popped into her head, so she decided to ask Spencer.

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