Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

After helping Titan kill the Oni, Aric had remained within the debris of the watchtower. The battlefield was more frightening than he could’ve imagined. It always sounded so heroic to him as a child, listening to his father tell tales of his many victories during the Second Great War. Fighting alongside General Constantine, they were an unstoppable pair. Aric even envied the many scars his father had. The one across his cheek, especially. It made his father seem so strong, so heroic to have such a battle wound. Aric was ever eager to show off his own someday. But the day had finally come, and he was terrified.

More than the sights and sounds, it was the stench. He couldn’t have imagined the stench would be this foul. He gagged as he watched soldiers being killed, their flesh burning in the raging fires, the fumes shooting straight up his nostrils. The filth of the Oni still covered him in a wet, slimy substance. All of his senses were bombarded by the overwhelming nature of actual battle. He gazed across the battlefield, frozen by the chaos he was witnessing, his mind becoming paralyzed by doubt. He was beginning to give into the fear again, but that’s when he saw his generals in action. 

He could see Arges and Steropes fending off a swarm of enemies. Still holding their ground, he marveled at their fighting prowess. They worked in tandem, as a single unit finishing off one opponent after another. He could see Titan fending off a group of possessed soldiers by himself, driven by sheer strength and determination. Aric’s focus and resolve began to grow within him again. He imagined his father on this battlefield, defeating his enemies, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable odds. All of these men are true leaders, he thought. He now understood why Vicedonian troops followed them so willingly. Their strength provided courage, from their words sprang inspiration, and their unselfish willingness to risk death for the Vicedonian Kingdom fostered undying loyalty. Everywhere he looked, he saw Vicedonian troops battling courageously to the bitter end. Am I truly prepared to do the same? Am I ready to do what is needed of a prince of Vicedonia? It was time to finally prove to his father, his people, and most importantly to himself, that he was worthy of all the recognition and acclaim he so longed to hear.

Aric continued to watch the Krakens decimate the battlefield. He was the reason they had become possessed in the first place. Captain Izik tried to kill him back in the Dark Forest, and now the entire unit wanted to have their turn, but Aric refused to let the thought shake his resolve to fight. He was proud that he had helped Titan kill an Oni. An Oni of all things he told himself. The tales to be told comforted him a bit. Aric made his way out of the debris of the watchtower when shouts of pain rang out to his left.

Aric turned to see a group of Vicedonian soldiers teetering by the cliff’s edge. A possessed Kraken had cornered them, raising a burning log high over his head, ready to send them plummeting to their deaths. Aric picked up a sword and shield from off the ground and charged.

The demon paused for a moment, sniffed the air, as if reconsidering his target. He turned around to see Aric barreling down towards him. The soldier was about to hurl the burning log at Aric, when Aric unleashed a powerful slash across the demon’s chest. The possessed Kraken dropped the burning log on himself, smashing loudly into the ground.

“Run!” Aric shouted at the soldiers.

The troops fled immediately. They seemed to thank him with their eyes as they ran away. Proud of his actions, Aric turned his attention back to the demon soldier he had defeated.

Aric’s face immediately filled with pain. The soldier’s powerful strike sent him soaring twenty yards across the field. Aric skidded to a stop within a few feet of the cliff.

“Time to die, my prince,” a gurgled voice called out to him.

When Aric turned around, he saw the demon soldier already at his feet, inching his way towards him. One step at a time, he pushed Aric right up to the edge of the cliff. The wind howled in his ears, the crashing waves below calling for him to jump, just as numerous soldiers had done before. Aric stood up, heels dangling dangerously close to the edge. On the brink of death, his resolve to fight began to unhinge. He had nowhere to go. There were no options by which he could devise a plan to survive this ordeal. His time had simply run out. Fate had given him the opportunity to become a hero, and Aric had failed… again. He had come to Lake Raphia to conquer, to be the catalyst of change for the Vicedonian Kingdom, but now he stood at death’s door, victory as distant as his father’s love. He felt his emotions shatter within him. Piece by piece he came undone, unable to cope with his failure. Instinct took over, and Aric found himself pleading for his life.

“Don’t kill me! I’ll give you anything you want. I’m a prince of Vicedonia, name it… it’s yours! Please!”

“Can you give me my life back?” The soldier asked him.

Aric was dumbfounded. All the begging in the world could not give him back what he asked.

“No, Prince Aric. You cannot undo what you’ve already done to me. But there is one thing you can give me.”

“Name it and it’s yours!”

“Your life!” The soldier was fast. He slashed Aric across the face, gashing him deeply across the bridge of his nose. He grabbed Aric by the throat and held him over the edge.

“Say goodbye to this world, Prince Ar—”

Aric stared as a sword plunged through the soldier’s chest, forcing him to release his grip. As Aric began to fall, something unexpected caught his arm. Aric looked up and found himself staring at his brother’s face.

“You need to be more careful, little brother. Vicedonia still needs you.”


I will post one chapter each Saturday (there are 50 chapters in all). If you just can’t wait, you can download the complete book and other titles in the Prophecy Rock Series at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Sony, iBooks, and Smashwords.

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