Chapter 10

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(Names) POV

You ran and ran, memories flooded your head, "your a monster" "no one wants you" "why would you do this" "it's ALL your fault" tears streamed down your face, you felt terrible for even scaring Azazel, he was like your brother and you threatened him. You couldn't even understand why, you had never acted that way because of one person. You grabbed your hidden blade and began cutting enjoying the pain "I'm not fully a monster atleast I still feel pain" you smiled watching the blood slowly escape the warmth of your body into the cold air, seeing it slowly turn to balls of blood than becoming to heavy dripping down your wrist, any normal person would rush to stop the bleeding but you just sat there looking at it fascinated at how much blood left your arm I wonder if it'll scar of can my powers heal it, I can remember too many powers. You heard rustling behind you in the bushes, you stop and turn only to have shadow tackle you, she hugs you tightly as you thrash in her grip "STOP IF YOU TOUCH ME YOU'LL GET HURT TOO" this made the girl let you go and look to the floor "I'll....what?" She looked you and immediately cringed. Your hair was messy, your face red, tears flooded from you exasperated red eyes, and your clothes were torn. You were shaking, holding your legs to your chest, clutching your legs to the point small rivers of blood fell down you leg. The only word she could describe you as was broken.

Shadows POV

I was in the library when Eric called me in a panic, he lightly explained the situation and I rushed to the school after reaching the musty run down building, I was told all that had happened. I quickly ran into the forest using the shadows to quicken my pace, I reached a bush where (name) turned around to see what had made the noise, I choose that time to tackle her, she screamed and thrashed in my grip. but once I hear those words from her and her physical form, I knew her mental state was so much worse.
I hugged her, lifting her chin so she would look at me "(name) it's me, I was your first friend if you think I'll leave now, you are so very mistaken" she cried harder "Michael I need Michael" I physically felt sick, (name) had lost so much after what happened and losing Michael she mentally snapped, so much to the point she erased her memories. Seeing her like this crying for her's so heartbreaking, I want to do something it's just I don't know how I can help. I hugged her gently as she cried violently into my chest. Once the crying turned to silent sniffles, I sat her up and asked "what happened" she looked down and spoke "well after I hurt Azazel those memories of losing Michael flooded my brain, the words I was called flooded my brain, I went on a overload and couldn't deal with it, I felt like a pure monster for hurting my family.....again"

3rd persons POV

Shadow let (name) explain fully than brought her to class where everyone eagerly awaited, hoping only the best for (names) well being, she didn't tell anyone what happened and no one asked. She was let be as they changed for P.E they were doing there regular drill when (name) shot up than curdled to the sandy floor, she screamed, cried and even got sick. Suddenly the entire world blinded them with a bright white light, (name) looked over and cried seeing the beautiful wings matching hers but in a pure white colour "m-Michael?" The girl in pain questioned as tears streamed down her face.

Fallen angel.                                                     karma x readerWhere stories live. Discover now