Chapter 4

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(Names) POV

Here you were looking pathetic infront of one of your classmate yet again "what the fuck do you want, come to laugh" "lol your not fucking worth me running this far Bitch- sensei sent me to get you so get up and come on!" You mustered up all your strength and stood, but you didn't plan to go with her you couldn't even walk, instead you flipped her off with a "go to hell" before falling again. Rio rolled her eyes and took out her phone and called someone to help obviously presuming you'd be heavy.
A couple minutes later Nagisa showed up as Rio left "you deal with her" Nagisa looked at you with pity, he held out his hand and said "I don't know if I'm able to carry you but I'll try" he than began to put you on his back before gasped "(Name) your so light!" You only closed your eyes "I gotta....sleep"

3rd persons POV

Nagisa walked into the infirmary and left (Name) there, he than walked into the class where tereasaka asked "how's that stuck up bitch" most people laughed and agreed as Nagisa "underweight?" He wasn't replying to the others and seemed to be in deep thought "or just naturally- but she's pretty skinny, hmmm" he was completely lost before walking to Karma, "I need you to check something with me.
The two walked into the infirmary as (Name) slept "so what do ya need?" Karma was all to curious especially since they were in the infirmary.
Nagisa looked to him with a concern look "I need you to pick up (name) and tell me if you think she's under weight" Karma just looked at him like he was insane, in fairness it sounded it "so you want me to pick up that psychopath who freaked at me?" Nagisa nodded "please" ultimately Karma caved "fine whatever" he walked over and picked her with more force needed, causing him to throw her up in the air a bit. "Shit she's so light it's like I'm picking up a 5year old or even younger, but like she's also super boney" the two conversed before (name) spoke she'd been awake since she was thrown up "can you like say it to my face and not behind my back?" From the shock of your voice Karma dropped her "ouch" Karma realised what he did and jumped down to help her "I can get up myself in more than capable" now that kinda ticked Karma off "no need to be such a bitch about it" "I can be as much a bitch as I want so piss off red" "it's Karma, skank" (Name) froze and memories flooded her mind, she curled into a ball and started shaking "out" her was cold and dark. Karma and Nagisa were completely shocked, but Karma was the first to respond "gladly!" As he ran out.

Nagisa' POV

I was looking at (name), the more I looked the more I felt bad for thinking anything negative about her, she was still shaking and curled into a ball, she was so thin like if I touched her she was snap, so fragile I couldn't help think that but she already looked to be broken already pushed over the edge to snap. I walked over to her and put my little jacket over her and it fit it even looked big, showing how small she truly was. She stopped once the jacket was around her and finally looked up, her eyes her brimmed with tears, I was completely taken aback "s-sorry about Karma, I-its just he doesn't usually help people and when u said u didn't need it, h-he was just embarrassed" she giggled a bit giggling?!? "Nagisa u don't have to be nervous, it's normal for people to cry when there upset. And I understand I was a bit cold to Karma I'll apologise later" she was smiling at me but it seemed forced... I have no right to judge though.
I stood up helping her "u okay?" "Yeah I'm fine you can go to class I'm just gonna bandage these, and before you ask it's really okay I can do them I'll be in class in like 15 minutes" she smiled again, it looks forced again "okay" I reluctantly left.

(Names) POV

You liked Nagisa he was genuine, and it's been a while since you've seen one of those kinds of people. You bandaged your legs and arms and disinfected them. You walked into class to be met with peering eyes, you walked to your seat and sat down turned to Karma and spoke "in very sorry I didn't accept your help, im just a very independent person but that doesn't excuse my behaviour, I'm very sorry" you smiled at him I'm not all that sorry but I was rude Karma blushed a bit and said "that's f-fine, em sorry for calling you a skank when I don't even know you." You nodded as to accept his apology than looked towards the front to listen to the rest of the lesson. Fully aware of every single eyes staring at you.
Once the class ended along with the school day, you stood and began to leave but Nagisa caught you "(NAME)" you turned to see, Nagisa, Karma and Kayano. although Kayano didn't look happy. "Yes Nagisa?" He smiled which was pure and happy not the slightest bit fake like yours "you wanna hang out with us we're going to a café?" He smiled another happy smile, making your heart hurt with envy "I'm not sure, my parents-" Karma cut you off "call them and ask" you kinda froze but shook it off. "Oh yeah" you took out your phone and called you 'mother' she answered eventually "what the fuck do you want rug rat" you smile with a happy voice "hello mother, some people from my class were asking me to go to a café with them would you mind?" You could hear her click her tongue with annoyance "well I suppose, it'd be bad if they suspected anything, but bring something back, and whose going?" You gulped "karma Akabane, Nagisa shiota and Kaede Kayano" she clicked her tongue again "ha your brother won't be happy but okay" you paled "thanks mother" you hung up and smiled at your classmates and said "let's go"
You now sat in a café with your classmates, apparently some were already here like Rio, Ritsu, Itona, hitoro and a couple others. Most of them didn't like you. You were currently in between hitoror(Maehara) and Karma you had bought a cake for the family.
You were talking with Nagisa and realised, that's why Kayano was angry with you, she liked him, feeling kinda bad you switched to Karma because apparently all the girls hated you and thought you were some skank. As you spoke with the red head, someone burst through the doors of the café. It was your 'brother' you paled as he grabbed you from between the two boys his face was red with anger "b-brother?" He looked at you and said "WHAT THE FUCK YOU LITTLE SKANK!?!!!" All reasoning from him was gone, you seen Maehara and Karma begin to get up, and you paled further "don't" you whispered the two immediately sat down again. You grabbed the cake as you were pulled outside and your brother hit you. Everyone inside was looking at you, how pathetic I must look.
Once you got home you gave your 'mother' the cake, out of all your 'family' she was the nicest she wasn't bothered to hit you that much but her greatest evil, she was sly, never stopped the other two, made you do the house work. She was 'kind' when she thought people were suspicious but at times like this she only watched as your your brother punch and kicked you calling you name after name "skank, whore, bitch, slave, worthless, Harlet" he grabbed your hair and pulled you up the stairs throwing you into his room "strip" he commanded, you did what he asked afraid of the consequences of saying no, he walked towards you gliding his ugly hands across your body, you shuddered at his touch he put and hand on your breast and one on your hip, he grinded against you a bit making you almost throw up, he than whispered into your ear "first I'll make all those boys hate you, I don't think I need to bother with the girls, second I'll wait till the perfect time to rape you and crush your mentality. Now leave before I do it now" you didn't even grab your clothes you ran to the bathroom and threw up, you than cut till you couldn't feel your wrist. Disgusting skank. You ran to your room and put in some clothes before you sat on your bed and cried. You loved drawing and you would draw to express yourself, but everything in your book was sad and if anyone seen it
they'd question your sanity.

You walked into class and EVERYONE gave you a look of disgust and hate. You walked up Karma and tapped his shoulder he gave the same look but less so, "w-what happened" he held up his phone and what you seen made you crumble to the ground.

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