Chapter 8

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(Names) POV

You were currently in class early because you had been sleeping there the past few day, you know, cause, like, you 'family' tried to kill you, so here you were laying on you desk. Bored out of your mind when, the door opened to reveal satan himsel- I mean Karma.
He looked around the classroom before his eye landed on you, a smile on his and a curious glint to his eyes "heya (name)" you smiled at him gently "yo Karma why you here so early?" Btw it was 5:30am you had a nightmare and woke up, now you couldn't sleep. Karma walked to his desk and sat down "nightmare, you?" You laughed lightly "I live here currently Karma, and I'm up cause I had a nightmare as well. Wanna tell me what yours was about?" He shook his head "no but I will anyways, I was helping that E-Class student again, but my parents got angry and they sent me far away from every single friend, and no one would talk to me" he was looking at you and his hair covered his eyes. no one said anything for 5 minutes before Karma asked "yours?" You grimaced "you sure it's pretty dark..." he only nodded "I was back when I was younger, we had been given a small baby bird, each one different. Mine was a little black owl, I loved it so much, I taught it tricks, fed it, did everything I could to bond with it, but after 6 months with it I had to make a choice, kill my bird or choose a friend to kill, and I had to kill it, with a gun. I asked if killing myself was an option instead, they laughed in my face and handed me the gun telling me if I killed myself theyd kill everyone. So I killed the bird to save my friends, almost everyone made that choice turns out if u choose to kill the other kids, they kill you if you were a beginning experiment or they kill the bird anyways either way, you lose" after you finished speaking you looked up to see a tear fall from Karmas eye, freaking out you accidentally sat on his lap to wipe his tears "s-sorry, are you okay" he blushed a little "y-yeah" looking at your position you sat back in your own chair, than put your head down "I'm gonna try sleep a little more" you only heard him grunt in response.
You woke up around 6:15am again with a jolt, you turned around to see your wings and Karma stroking them, you sat down and blushed hard "k-karma?" He hummed a little "c-can you stop?" "Why there so soft?" You were feeling very good from the stroking which wasn't normal as you turned around trying to stop him from touching your wings "y-you see t-touching my wings..... em well it kinda and intimate thing" Karma looked confused "em Karma it's like.... a sexual thing" Karma looked to be in thought for a minute before blushing very hard "s-sorry" Karma sat down as you did the same, both sitting in silence until the first of the classmates began to enter starting the day as Azazel gave a strange look to your blushing face each time you looked towards Karma.

Fallen angel.                                                     karma x readerWhere stories live. Discover now