Chapter 7

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3rd persons POV

Azazel, Abigor and Eric all refused to leave their queen, so they joined E-Class fairly against the wishes of the principal, but (Name) gave off an aura that even made him cave.
So here they were in class, but twist since Azazel was older he was teaching. Yes the demon Azazel was teaching 14-15 year olds, he was teaching P.E when Mr Karasuma was absent, which was a lot recently than he also taught foreign languages along with some other weird demon things.
Abigor was next to you than Eric beside him. Everyone gradually warmed up to them, they were mostly confused of the other especially you. Kind,warm,forgiving this was the person they all treated terribly and she never show any sign of hate to a single one of them. Some of the boys felt bad that they treated (name) badly so easily after a little threat, and the girls felt even worse because they judged her for literally no reason.
Everyone was sitting in class when Abigor abruptly stood up and said "I forgot" he walked out grabbing (name) on the way, once they were outside he turned to the girl he grabbed who looked completely bewildered, he smiled at her and said "we got word of shadow" (names) eyes brimmed with tears "w-what?, I thought she might have died?" Abigor only smiled "nope, she escaped and began to live a normal life!" (Name) let tears fall as she smiled gently thinking of her friend.

You stood in your cell with the rest of the test subjects, they gave you all your fake names, but one girl you found very interesting from her name which was shadow. They never had many girls, they thought most were weak and useless.
You were sat in the corner facing away from everyone, you large wings covered you from the rest who didn't dare approach you, you were kinda, anti-social which bad you even more terrifying to the rest. As you pet your soft wings you felt the touch of another on them, being they were extremely sensitive. Jumping and turning from the sensation you stood in a stance ready to fight, but you came face to face with a girl, with piercing red eyes and long black silky hair. She looked a bit scared, but you were so mesmerised by her hair you just stuck out your hand and rubbed it "so pretty" it slipped out on instinct. Quickly realising your actions you retracted your hand "s-sorry" the girl giggled "I thought you didn't like us, but it seems your just nervous?" You nodded. She smiled and called over the rest and said "guys be nice to Lucy she's just nervous" the name caught you off guard as you realised 'no one knows their birth name but you, and no one knows that you know your birth name' you pushed the thought aside and started speaking with the others finding out there powers, shadows weren't that big, but handy, she could disappear into shadow and materialise them to what she wanted although she wasn't that good yet. You smiled as you realised shadow had been your very first friend.


You were wondering what Shadow would look like now probably very pretty, I wonder how long her pretty hair is now? All these questions raced through your mind, you really wanted to know what shadow was like and where she lived, if she went to school. And instead of thinking these questions you began to question Abigor.
By the end of your rants he looked dizzy, he hadn't answered one question. Every time you finished asking one you asked another, you looked at the poor boy and sighed, "tell me atleast where she is?" He expected you to keep going with questions but when you didn't he said "how bout we ditch school tomorrow and visit, me, Azazel and Eric have been meaning to but.....I think she'd of killed us if we hadn't known where you were..." you smiled "probably" before you could speak again you were smacked in the back of the head with what you presumed to be a book. Turning around you seen two devils "hey Karma, Azazel...." they smirked "and where did you go" they asked in unison causing you to laugh angering them further.
You were now in class again after a little lecture from Korosensei on leaving class without notice which angered you a little because Abigor dragged you out, but it was worth it to hear of shadows safety.
Somewhere in the middle of class you lost you patience and stood up, walked to the front up to Korosensei and whispered in his ear "Ima leave with Abigor we have an appointment, k?" He showed up a purple X on his face saying "you can't just-" but you cut him off "it wasn't a question, you may be a Mach 20 octopus but I'm a Mach 30 angel of darkness, a Queen" he only sweat dropped as your dark aura faded and you said "But don't worry sir, I'll catch up on the work!!!" With that you walked to Abigor grabbed him and said "were leaving, I wanna see her now!!" He only sweat dropped "what about Azazel" you scoffed "he can go back hell, he's a meanie" you stuck out your tongue grabbed Abigor, sprouting your wings and flying out the window.
10minutes later you arrived outside a Library Shadow worked at. You were pretty nervous "what if she doesn't recognise me?!?" Abigor laughed "she will, you can't forget your queen" he laughed nervously "she never saw me that way, she respected me but didn't call me Queen" he nodded remembering how the two acted together.
Abigor got impatient with you so, he pushed you right through the double doors of the library, you stumbled a little almost losing you balance. You looked up to see all attention on you, coughing nervously you said in a low voice "sorry" you walked to the counter where a pretty young girl sat. She didn't notice you, you looked at her face than stood frozen. It was Shadow that gorgeous black hair compliment with those red eyes could not be mistaken.

Apparently against your own will you rubbed her hair "so pretty, so nostalgic" she looked up obviously about to scold the person touching her without consent, but stopped at seeing you "L-Luce" it had been a bit of time since someone called you th...

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Apparently against your own will you rubbed her hair "so pretty, so nostalgic" she looked up obviously about to scold the person touching her without consent, but stopped at seeing you "L-Luce" it had been a bit of time since someone called you that properly you smiled at her and her eyes welled with tears along with yours. She led you out back and you hugged crying, Abigor came out as well and waved at her, as you all caught up you found out. Shadow had found a nice family to care for her, they treated her well but eventually she moved out and to Japan they live in (wherever your from) but they kept in touch, apparently everyone who escaped from the lab in (w/y/f) moved all over the world.
Shadow was looking at you intently, finally you caved "what?" She smiled "can I see your wings?" You sighed and released them, she gasped "you really did grow into them" she began to stroke them like when you were children, for you this kind of contact was very intimate and only Shadow was allowed to touch your wings besides you, Azazel used to get annoyed that he wasn't allowed but once you explained the intimacy between in he was left a blushing apologising mess. Shadow loved your wings, she always had.
After all the catching up was done you exchanged numbers and addresses telling each other to visit.
But once you got back Azazel and Karma had a book in each hand "and where did you go?!?" They said in unison, before starting a fight with each other.

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