Sieg IX : Group Study

Start from the beginning

I decided I won't talk to Tiffany unless she talks to me first. I know it sounds childish, but I don't want to sound clingy to Tiffany. And I'm kind of angry to find her not sharing things to me. I thought I wouldn't be able to talk to Tiffany ever again after a couple of days when this thing happened.

The Bauges were gathered to the counsel room. Fortunately, we were complete. I find myself wondering what would be an extraordinary news Tiffany has to announce to us. And I wasn't wrong. Everyone was caught in surprise, but she left it without asking if that will be alright to all of us. As if she's just decided things without telling us. Everyone was caught in shock when Tiffany letf, and I mustered the courage to follow her.

"Hey.." I said, following her on the hall. "Hey!!" I called out again.

She turned to me with an expression of boredom, waiting for me to blurt out the reason for talking to her again. But her face soften and she just let a sigh.

"You know you can't do that." I started. "You know that it isn't fair for everyone. You can't make it a mandatory!" I blurt out.

"It's announced. No one complains. What are you fighting for?!" She asked irritated.

"You know that Edward couldn't come. You know that!" I almost shouted.

"What's wrong?! Why couldn't he come? He should've said so before it was finalized." She said it. She sound heartless, she's not the Tiffany I knew.

She motioned to leave but I grabbed her by her shoulder. "You knew the story." And it wasn't a question. I grabbed her tighter I'm getting angry now. "I won't ask why you won't share it to me, but you know their story and you know the reason that Edward won't!"

She stepped back for me to loosen my grip of her. "What's it with you?!" She asked.

"What's it with me?! More like, what's it with you?! Trying to help that shitty bastard to see his brother hurt!" I shouted.

This time, her eyes shows anger. My heart started thumping hard. "You don't know the whole story--"

"I wouldn't understand because you wouldn't tell me! What did that guy do to brainwash you to do these stuffs! You're different, I knew you're different Tiffany! Why do you have to care so much to help that bastard?!" I am now carried away by my emotions.

"Because!! Because.. He's my childhood friend!! And I know what I'm doing is right!" She shouted back.

I stepped back, "I always looked up to you. Every side you take, I feel like you're always right. I thought we were sisters--"

"We are sisters. But that doesn't mean we have to side the same side--"

"But we have to at least understand each other! And I couldn't understand you!" I said, trying to control my anger now. "You're impossible.."

She stared at me with coldness in her eyes. "You wouldn't be calling Harry a shitty bastard if you knew the reason behind. If you only knew."

I stared back at her, shaking my head. "You know that there's no reason for a person to be happy in someone's grief. There'll be no reason at all." I said turning my back to her and I immediately stoned on where I am standing.

Edward was there, in front of the counsel's door. I didn't know how long he has been standing there or how much he heard. But I knew I wasn't just doing this for him, I'm doing this for Tiffany too. I want her to wake up from whatever Harry has told her. I want to see the old Tiffany. The one I call my sister. I sighed and continue walking. But something stopped me.

"Why would you care?!" Edward asked.

"I'm not doing this for you." I lied, but I knew there's more reason to it. "I'm doing this because I know it's unfair. May it be to any one, I'll do the same."

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