Finale 🔥 Part One

Start from the beginning

"She chose both," Pearl replies with a proud smile on her face while she looks at Venus. Her admiration made Vee blush from embarrassment.

"It's no big deal. Anyone would have done the same." Venus countered timidly.

"No, you were the first. There was no one who dared that impossible thing or no one else would be able to pull it through like you did. One has to choose." Pearl told her.

"So you mean. I did wrong? But it was the right thing to do." Vee insisted.

"This isn't between right or wrong but what must or mustn't. Every decision have its consequences." Hadraniel explained further.

"I don't get it. How can angels think like that? You're supposed to be holy. How can you even think of sacrificing someone and call it for the greater good? I would have done the same even if it wasn't between Marcus and Aldrik." Venus ranted in anger. She couldn't believe what she was hearing and from what she understood from their discussion, she may be in deep shit sooner than expected.

"I am not your enemy here. Listen Venuscha and listen carefully. Your pull that chose Aldrik have abducted your lover."

"W-what? No. . ." She bit her lower lip when Haddaniel gave her a reprimanding look from distracting him.

"You must remember, bring Aldrik with you. All you have to do is hold hands with him and invoke the pull. You will be tested to prove your point on not choosing. You must prove them wrong or else you will just be forced to choose once again and this time with dire consequences along with it. This is just one of the results for not being able to to subdue your powers." Hadraniel said each words with dread.

Venus only managed to stare at him in disbelief. She was turning paler by the minute.

"Breathe, Venuscha." Pearl spoke sofly.

Venus blinked twice like an idiot before she sucked in some air greedily like a fish out of water.

"B-but I thought I did control them back at the Temple when I gave the Amulet." Venus reasoned out, talking to herself. Now that she thought of it. It was once only. She still haven't done it again. It would be really shameless and presumptuous on her part if she claimed otherwise.

"Pull yourself together, we need to go now." Hadraniel said as he once again paced back and forth in front of her obviously fighting some unsaid inner dilemma.

"I'm fine. Let's go." Venus responded with determination after a very long sigh.

She must and she would do anything to save Marcus so ending the meeting with Cassia as fast as she can was the first priority. If she wants to win, she must start to set her eyes on the goal and stop second guessing herself.

"Then that's settled. We deal with things one step at a time. I believe everyone have the coordinates?" Lord Ronheild spoke for the first time after giving a nod signal towards Vulca and Sylvie's directions.

He waited for everyone's nod before adding, "see you all there."

Different colours of fire dispersed all at once alongside with two blindingly white light and one unique light leaving a cosmos dust trail behind.

Sylvie instantly made a head count upon their arrival on a rooftop of an abandoned building. She cluck her tongue and asked, "where's Venuscha again?"

They all looked around to check but she was nowhere in sight for the second time around.

It was a starless night. The sky seemed darker than usual and foreboding. They stood atop of a tall and wide, shabby building top.

"What a surprise! You're not just late but no one heeded my instructions. I only asked for Venus' group. This meeting is off." Cassia's shrill voice boomed. She was standing alone on the building's edge overlooking the rooftops around them. From the looks of their surrounding, they seemed to be in an abandoned factory or something.

The Pure One -✔- Book Two of the Phoenix TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now