Chapter Six - The Vacation

Start from the beginning

"The question is, what are you doing here?" She asked without even looking at him.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm on vacation." Jack replied.

"Why didn't you call, text or tell me that you were coming here?" She asked.

"Because I didn't want anyone to know where I was."

"You know how I knew you were here?"

"How?" He asked confused.

"The tabloids, Jack! I know you know what they're saying about you and what you've been doing here." She yelled.

"I'm producing a movie here, writing, finding some new inspiration and having fun. Have I answered your question?"

"What about this?!" She yelled as she shows the picture of Jack and Katja on the front page of the news as they stroll around Monaco and laughing.

"That's a friend." Jack said calmly.

"A friend, my ass." She retorted.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He shouted.

"Do you know what you've done to our reputation and our... Our..." She trailed off.

"Our marriage?! We don't even have a marriage anymore, Tiff!" Jack yelled. "You come here and lecture me about what I've been doing?! Screw you, you ruined our marriage years ago when you became so obsessed with your fashion shit." He shouted. "I wanted to fix us and try again, Tiff. I really did. What do you do? You chose fashion over me. So don't blame all of this on me. Cause it's your fault, you ruined your own reputation, Tiff." He screamed.

Tiffany slapped him in the face, hard. Then he pulled her close and they kissed. That night they made love, over and over again.

The next morning Jack woke up first and took a morning jog. Leaving a note for Tiffany saying there's breakfast on the balcony and he'll be back later.

Jack arrives and takes a shower. Tiffany woke up and ate some breakfast on the balcony.

"Good morning." Jack greets Tiffany.

"Good morning." She replies. "How was your jog?" She asks.

Jack throws a pale smile and says, "I can't do this anymore." Then he becomes serious and sits across her.

"Jack, I... I'm sorry, okay?"

"Tiff, don't. Just don't."

"Jack I was wrong to choose my work over you."

"You only want me now because you think I'm with someone else."

"No. Because I missed you, because it took a while for me to realize that you're someone I never wanna lose." She said and then hugs him and cries. "Please just give me another chance." She added. He hugged her and brushed her hair with his hand.

"Tiff, I don't know what to say. You made it pretty clear you're work is more important than me. I can't... I can't compete with that. Tiff, maybe... Maybe we shouldn't be together anymore. Maybe... Maybe you're not the one for me. This isn't high school anymore, Tiff." Jack said as his heart slowly breaks.

"Jack, don't say that. Please, don't say that. I know this isn't high school anymore, okay? Things are different. Jack, I love you..."

"And I love you, but Tiff I'm not happy anymore."

"I'll quit fashion to be with you!"

"No, you don't mean that. I know you don't mean that. Tiff, you've worked so hard to get where you are now. I don't wanna be the anchor that'll just pull you down. You're gonna resent me if you quit fashion and even if you did, I wouldn't let you."

"But I'm not quitting on us. I'm not gonna let you quit on us, not when I need you the most."

"Need me the most? Tiff, look around. You don't need me, you never needed me."

"Where's the Jack that never gives up on me even if I've hurt him too much? Where's the Jack who tries so hard at what he does and succeeds at doing it but not taking credit for it? Where's the Jack who saw me for me and not some poser sketching useless stuff on a notepad? Where's the Jack who believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself?"

Jack looks at her with tears resting on his lower eye lids, his hands on his head and his heart heavily beats for the girl that was right in front of him. He rubs his temples and crosses his arms again.

"This is so hard, Tiff." He said.

"We can make this work." She answered.

"I don't think we can, anymore." Jack said and stands then he leans on the railings.

Tiffany sprung up from her chair and hugs him from the back. Her arms slid meeting on his chest, her head rests on his shoulder. Jack holds on to her hands as he closes his eyes and breathes in and out.

"What do I have to do to make things work again?" She begs.

"I don't know anymore..." He said and shrugged Tiffany and grabbed the door knob.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I need some time to think." Jack said and left the room.

Tiffany cries and decides to stay in her room as she waits for Jack. Her phone rings and it was her doctor delivering some shocking news.

Jack takes a walk by the beach alone. Slowly and surely thinking about his marriage to Tiffany. It has been rocky and hard for him to deal with Tiffany.

Deep down he knows he loves her, but he thinks to himself - is love ever enough? He knows Tiff's career is important to her, he encouraged the woman to follow her dreams for crying out loud. But he's afraid of getting to know her again and just get disappointed.

Although he doesn't want to have the perfect wife, he appreciates what she has done. But the question is, why did she realize this whole situation too late? He couldn't quite get his mind to it.

So he decided to go back to the hotel and tell her what's on his mind and what he thinks of the future of the relationship.

"Tiffany?" He said as he looks for her in the room. She quickly emerges from the bathroom.


"There's something I need to tell you!" They both yell at the same time.

"Okay, you first." Jack said.

"No, you first." Tiffany insisted.

"Okay. Tiff, I wanna make this work... But I can't do it alone... I..." He gets cut off.

"I'm pregnant, Jack."

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