"Johnnie" i ask

He ignored me

"Johnnie what's wrong" I ask

He still didn't say anything
Is he ignoring me

Maybe he doesn't want to talk in front of everyone else

"are you okay bro" Bryan ask

"yea" Johnnie said

Oh he is ignoring me

I take out my phone and text Johnnie

Dylan>>Johnnie: are you alright

He look down at his phone and drop it on his lap not texting me back
I texted him again

Dylan>>Johnnie: why are you ignoring me are you mad

Johnnie>>Dylan: I'm not mad I'm not ignoring you

Finally he texted back

Dylan>>Johnnie: then why did you answer Bryan and not me

He sigh and pick his phone back up

Johnnie>>dylan: idk

I set down my phone cause I don't know if he wants to talk to me

The car ride went silent except for the light music playing and Angelina and Bryan small talking

Johnnie's POV

I have no idea what I'm feeling
I just have this wired tinny anger towards Dylan since she gave hers number to a guy at warped
What's even happening I never felt this before

We got home

"do you wanna talk" she whispered to me as we walk to the apartment making sure Angelina and bryan don't hear us
But I dout that they are even listening cause there giggling and talking and walk fast ahead of us

"uh... Sure" I said
but about what there's nothing to talk about

"guys me and Johnnie are gonna go on a walk" Dylan said
They waved and kept walking

Me and Dylan turned around walking on the sidewalks

"are you sure your okay" she ask after a while

"yea I'm sure... Why do you keep asking" I ask

"cause you answered Bryan and not me why did you do that" she ask and we stop walking

"I don't know, sorry"

This is our first fight and I don't like it

"okay, then let's just go back" she turned around leaving me, she never does that she always grabs my hand and walks
So is she mad at me

I caught up with her
I brushed my hand on hers
Then I was gonna hold hers hand but she moved it holding hers own hand

"are you mad at me" I ask

"no, no I'm not mad" hers Irish accent got stronger
Being hers friend I notice that hers accent changes a lot when hers mood changes

"are you sure" I ask

My mood just was mad but now she is mad for me being mad
It makes me feel bad when hers mood is sad, hurt, mad and other things that aren't happy

"yea Johnnie don't ask me again" she crossed hers arms

I stayed quiet in fear that she will be even more mad at me
So it was a quiet walk

Dylan's POV

Cømpletely Different  (Johnnie Guilbert)Where stories live. Discover now