"What's wrong?" Travis leaned on the bench next to me, scrolling through his Instagram timeline. I looked at him, studying his features and wondering why I couldn't be as attractive as he was. He had corded muscles, I was lanky. He had a tan like the sun worshipped him, I looked like I just crawled out of a cave for 53 years. He had beautiful brown eyes, whereas mine were just blue hidden behind the lens of my glasses. He had soft brunette hair that you could run your fingers through, while mine was just a mess of blonde and brown waves slapped together on my head.

He had no blemishes on his skin but I had a freckle to the right of my nose and I hated it. I had a small but noticeable scar that ran from under my ear to the end of my neck.

He was everything I wanted to be: perfect.

But I wasn't.

"I got a project due in two days and it ain't enough time for me. Ya think I could bullshit my way through?" I quickly looked at Travis then looked away, not liking intense eye contact. "I reckon? Though I'm not sure why you of all people didn't have your shit done already." From the tone of his voice, I could tell that he was judging me and I scowled. "Yea well, I've been racking my brain this whole week with finding a job. You'd be s-s-surprised at how hard it is," I moaned, forcing myself to articulate very carefully. "What do you need a job for? What is that you can't pay? I thought you got a full ride to UTSA." Travis folded his arms and I sighed. "Yea, I did, but I still have to pay my music and tuning f-fees, my phone bill, my car bill, and utilities. I also need to pay for my health insurance company and go grocery shopping." I complained, running a hand through my hair.

It was too motherfucking hard to be an adult.

"And I have to get Jigglypuff some more food." I felt a pat on my shoulder and I grumbled, stopping myself from hissing. "You care so much for your cat, it's adorable," Travis chuckled and I flicked him on his forehead. "Shut up." I mumbled, sliding my glasses up so that I could rub my eyes. "At this rate, I'm gonna have to drop out and sell myself on the streets." I deadpanned, shivering at the thought of whoring myself out. "Look, I'll ask around for you, see if I can find you something," Travis's voice made me turn to look at him but I stared at the crease between his eyes. "....and I'll give you your fourteen dollars since you desperately need it."

I beamed happily at him and he stared at me, smirking. "R-R-Really!?" I effused. I was so hype. "Yay! You're the best, Travis!" I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, his own coming around my waist as he put his head in between my neck. "I bet I am," He replied and I let him go after several moments. "I wish I could stay here with you and do absolutely nothin'," I reached for my black bag, scouring for my keys. "But I got work to do, fam." I threw my bag over my back, clutching as I slid off of the bench. "You need me to walk you?" He asked with concern in his voice and I shook my head, greatly appreciating his help.

"Nah," I pointed to the car park on the other side of the grey fence. "My car's on the other side. It ain't that far of a walk, ya know?" I bumped him on his fist, promising to call him later once I finished my assignment for Business Communications and Critical thinking class. It was my last business class that I needed in order to graduate and dammit, was I going to pass that bitch. Nothing was going to stand between me and my dream.

Well, maybe a lack of a job would.

I started on the sidewalk path, my car in sight as I hummed to myself. The smell of roast beef filled the air as it left the comfort of the nearby restaurant. Various cars zoomed past me and into the downtown city as I passed a very large and wide tree.

Then a pink piece of paper caught my eye.

I stopped in my tracks for a moment. I marched myself back to the large tree that was looming over the fence and I stepped closer to it, seeing the piece of paper in question. It was a job advertisement as one could clearly see, but the type of job and the person who was asking was enough to make you stammer and piss yourself. I snatched the paper off of the tree, reading its contents in glee.

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