Alex Gaskarth

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"Y/n you ready to leave?" jack shouts from downstairs in my house. "I'll be down now Jack" I shout to Jack from upstairs. Me and Jack are having a movie night with the boys at Alex's  house. Me and jack have been friends since we were in nursery. I look in the mirror one last time then go downstairs. All the boys know I have a crush on Alex, except for Alex, Jack is always telling me that I should tell Alex, but I'm too scared to.

When I get downstairs I see Jack at the bottom of them waiting for me. When he sees me he says "you look nice y/n I bet Alex will like it". I sarcastically laugh and say "yeah sure, he probably doesn't even like me anyway". Jack laughs and says "ok you can think that".

Then we got into his car and and he drove us to Alex's  house. When we got there I gave everyone hugs because I missed them. After a while everyone wanted to play truth or dare. I was nervous to lay it because I know that one of the boys would dare me to kiss or tell Alex I like him because that's what they tried to do last time.

_____ time skip 10 mins

Everyone had done their dares except for Alex so Rian asks "Alex truth or dare?" Alex replies with "dare". Rian says "ok then who do you have a crush on" everyone looks at Alex and he blushes and shyly says "y/n". Zack teasingly says "what was they Alex I don't hear you?"  and Alex says "I like y/n okay" but louder this time. Jack smirks a I told you so smirk at me and I just sit there in school.

Alex looks at me and sadly says "look she doesn't even like me back, thanks guys". He then gets up and goes upstairs. "Y/n go and follow him" Jack says, so I get up and go upstairs after Alex. I found him in his room sitting in his bed with his head in his hands and he looked so sad.

I sit in the bed next to him and softly say "are you ok Alex" he looks at me and says "no, I was stupid for thinking you would like me back". I smile at him, look him in the eyes and say "why would you think that I don't  like you back?". He says "because when I said that I like you, you don't say anything" I smile at him again and say "I was in shock because I do like you and I also thought you wouldn't like me back".

Alex smiles and questions me "really you like me back, you're not joking" I laugh lightly and says "yeas I really like you I'm not joking".

Alex smiled a adorable smile that I love and pulls me close lot and kisses me and I kiss back. We then pull away and he breathlessly says "so y/n will you be my girlfriend?" I smile and happily say "yes I will".

Band ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora