Chapter 21

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'There is a louder gasp from the crowd, and Marina raises her voice to be heard, "You killed my father! Not only is this a direct violation of the seventh rule, but it also disproves everything this government claims to stand for. That is why my question to you is this: why did my father not have a death date on his wrist?"'

* * *

"You have no proof," Morgan Martinez argues loudly over the crowd's uproar!

"Silence," the Judge slams the gavel down hard against the oak sound block.

The Prosecution Attorney has the decency to look embarrassed, "I am sorry, your Honor."

"These allegations are very serious, Ms. Rosewood. Without proof, I cannot value your word above anyone else's." Morgan Martinez smirks at what the Judge says... until Marina replies,

"I do." Those are the words that shock the nation. Marina knows this is being televised all over the country- in every village, even in the States that chose secession over becoming Villages.

An officer collects her evidence- a picture. This is not just any picture; it is the picture her father instructed her to take before his untimely death. It is a picture of his bare wrist. Where is the death date? That's what every United States citizen wonders as well, or it's what they would have been wondering if they had the chance to see the picture with their own eyes. Instead, this happened:

The Judge's eyes widen in shock. "Arrest her," he tells the officer, the venom of his words stinging Marina. 'What is happening? I had evidence! They cannot do this!'

It takes three government officials to restrain her, and Marina feels oddly prideful. She considers it an accomplishment. 'Maybe I am a badass. I bet Roz would be proud of that.'

* * *

Marina is shoved forcefully into her dingy cell. "There is no need to be so discourteous," she mutters in annoyance as she struggles to stay upright.

When the guard leaves, Marina hears someone quietly call her name from a few cells down.

"Marina," a voice completely distinguishable to Marina whispers!


"The one and only," Roz chimes grimly.

"How long have you been here," Marina asks her, still in shock?

"I've been here since I left you," Roz says sadly. Marina lets out an audible gasp; while she was upset with Roz for running away, Roz was in a prison.

"I am so sorry," Marina whispers, having not completely recovered from her initial shock.

"It isn't your fault. If I hadn't been to scared to say goodbye, none of this would have happened."

"Maybe not, but it could have. We could have said goodbye the next day, and the same thing would have happened," Marina assures her friend.

"Thank you," Roz whispers so quietly that Marina isn't sure if she was supposed to hear her.

* * *

While Roz sleeps, Marina does anything she can think of to pass the time. She thinks about her family and her friends, she thinks about reconnecting with them and finally saying her goodbyes, and she thinks about Roz. 'Do I tell her how I feel about her?'

When Marina sleeps, Roz does anything she can think of to pass the time. She thinks about her grandmother, she thinks about reconnecting with her and introducing her to Marina, and she thinks about Marina. 'Do I tell her how I feel about her?'

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