Chapter 8

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'Otis gives a small whine and rubs against Marina's leg. Putting her notebook and pen back in her bag, she rises to her feet and begins walking with Otis following close behind.'

* * *

Marina tries to put as much distance between her and the Villages as possible, unsure as to how government officials would go about finding someone who runs away. 'Is running away even against the rules?' She tries to think back to any time her father may have mentioned something like this happening, but her mind draws a blank.

'He either just never mentioned it, or this is the first time this has happened to someone.'

Neither of the two would be even the least bit surprising; her father did his best to keep his home life and his work life as separate as possible, and this does seem like a pretty unique situation. 'Maybe this has happened to someone. Maybe they just chose not to run.'

Just then, Marina's stomach chooses to growl loudly. 'Not now,' she thinks in annoyance. Having not had the time, or even the thought, to pack something to eat, Marina is dreading the time when her and Otis really need to find food.

Marina takes in the scenery as she walks through the bare, winter forest, not used to being anywhere other than the city. The forest is far more spontaneous than Village A; the forest has brambles and thickets, twists and turns, while Village A follows a geometric grid system in order to keep everything neat and organized. She takes note of the bare trees— a sign of winter's mark. This is her first time ever leaving Village A, and Marina tries to find something good in this experience. Being weighed down by all of the negatives is really starting to take a toll on her mentally, emotionally, and even physically.

Neither her nor Otis is used to such long amounts of walking, so it makes sense for them to stop every once in awhile. She sits down on a fallen tree, and Otis curls up on her lap tiredly. Marina closes her eyes for a second, telling herself that she is only resting for a short moment, before dozing off unintentionally.

* * *

Otis lets out a loud bark, causing Marina to wake up from her sleep. Confused, she rubs her eyes before reality invites itself in like an unwanted visitor making them-self at home. She feels a wet drop fall onto her face with a thick splat; she thinks it is rain at first, but then she notices what it really is: snow!

Otis continues to bark excitedly as he looks up to the sky, rapidly wagging his tail. "It is snowing," Marina tells him with a grin.

* * *

'"It is snow, Marina," Richard tells her, "It is not anything to be afraid of." "Are you sure," a five-year-old Marina asks, eyes still wide with fear? "I promise. I would never do anything to hurt you. Parents are here to protect you from the bad things not lead you into them." "I guess it does look kind of pretty," Marina admits before cautiously making her way outside, her small feet leaving a trail of footprints in the snow behind her. "And to think, just a second ago you were afraid of this," Richard says with a small chuckle as he watches her run around happily. "That was a second ago, Father. Now I am a big girl."'

* * *

"I am a big girl," Marina whispers fondly at the memory. 'I am a hungry, big girl,' she thinks, her stomach growling in agreement.

She lifts her head and marvels in the silence of the wilderness before noticing something she had not noticed before; she hears the faint sound of running water and decides to follow the noise.

"Otis," Marina calls for him to follow her!

They begin to walk in the direction of the noise. A crisp, winter breeze ripples through the air, causing Marina's snow-filled, blonde curls to appear even more untamed. She subconsciously rubs her fingers through her shoulder-length hair. Both Otis and Marina shiver violently as they feel winter's kiss against their skin.

"I know it is cold, boy," Marina tells him in, what she hopes is, a soothing voice. She has noticed that Otis has been getting tired more often and has been falling behind when they walk; she concludes that he must just be tired from the unusually long amounts of strenuous exercise.

She notices the gurgling sound of the churning rapids becoming more and more noticeable with each step she takes. Hearing the sound only makes Marina more determined to see the river for herself. Not only has she not eaten for whole day, but she also has not drank. With the amount of traveling she is doing, she knows she needs to stay hydrated. This river is her best bet.

"Otis, I think it is right down there," Marina exclaims excitedly! Adrenaline pumping through her veins, she runs down the slope and catches sight of the rushing water. Otis follows her, wagging his tail feverishly as he licks up the cold water.

Marina follows his lead, scooping up the water with cupped hands. She drinks the water before scooping up more water and washing her face. The action is repeated for awhile before Marina loses her footing in the marshy soil and falls into the water with a loud splash.

She is quickly pulled out of the water by Otis. Violent, convulsive shivers shake her body caused by the near-freezing water. Marina looks up, noticing clouds of grey smoke; she then looks back to her dog who is now padding away from her and towards the wisps of silvery smoke rising in the distance.

"Otis, come back," Marina tries to call out to him, not seeming to produce more sound than a quiet murmur.

"Mother," Marina questions? Her head becomes clouded with confusion as she drifts further and further into a bittersweet nothingness, the bland colors of the surrounding trees and forest fading until she only sees black.

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