Chapter 12

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'Marina stands up and gives Roz a hug.

"You can let go now," Roz tells her in an amused voice.

"What is the fun in that," Marina replies with a playful wink?'

* * *

"I can try to help you with that," Roz offers as Marina struggles with a tangle in her hair.

Marina smiles at her gratefully, "Thank you." She hands Roz the hairbrush, and she begins to run it through Marina's thick, tight curls.

"I like the dress," Roz tells her, nodding appreciatively down at the black dress Marina is wearing.

"It was my funeral dress," Marina replies with a mock grin and hair flip as she stands up and gives it a twirl. Roz lets out a snicker at the comment, and Marina sits back down so Roz can finish brushing her hair before they eat.

"If you don't mind me asking, how come you didn't die like they said you would," Roz inquires?

Marina looks at Roz's reflection in the mirror and notices how interested she seems in what she has to say. Marina makes eye contact before answering, "I do not know. I have no clue what happened; I have never heard of this happening! My wrist said I would die on December 1st, but then I woke up on December 2nd. I know the government does not do well with being wrong, so I thought it best to leave."

Roz studies Marina's body language silently before deciding that she is telling the truth.

"You know a lot about the government-," Marina begins when Roz contribute to the conversation, "-do you have any clue why I did not die?" She doubts Roz has the answer, but it can't hurt to ask.

Roz frowns, "No, that's one thing I never could understand. I know how they determine who is dead, but I have no idea how they go about determining when the person is going to die- and I'm even more confused that they aren't always as accurate as they make their system out to be. The same thing happened to my mother, except she died without a death date on her wrist at all."

* * *

They sit down at the table, Otis laying at Roz's feet. Marina is surprised that Otis has warmed up to Roz seeing as Otis had taken at least a few months before not being scared of being near Sienna.

"How long have you lived here," Marina asks Roz after swallowing a bite of her food?

"I moved in here when I was six, but my granddad built this place before I was even born."

"Does your grandfather visit often?"

"He died a few years ago, but my grandma tries to visit when she can. She's old, so it's hard for her to travel; she does have other ways of keeping in contact though."

"Speaking of traveling, I do not want to overstay my welcome here. I know they will figure out I am not dead. They will go looking for my body in the last place the tracker was active," Marina says with a frown.

"I am not going to force you to stay, but I'm also not going to let you leave without knowing any sort of survival skills. You barely lasted a few days before you nearly died last time- you don't want that to happen again," Roz tells her in a firm tone. Marina knows that there is no arguing with Roz when she sets her mind to something. Despite only having stayed with the girl for a short while, Marina already knows that Roz always has to get the last word.

"Are you offering to teach me," Marina asks with a spark of enthusiasm in her eyes? Roz simply nods.

Marina smiles, and they finish their food.

"Tomorrow after breakfast," Roz promises.

Marina nods enthusiastically. She doesn't want to leave, but she cannot just expect Roz to let her stay here forever. They finish eating their dinner, and Marina and Otis go to the room Roz is letting her borrow. Marina changes into a pair of pajamas given to her by Roz and lays down on her bed, darkness cloaking her as she falls into a dreamless tranquility.

* * *

"The government has trackers, but they also have other ways of finding people. Once they realize you aren't dead, they will probably try to track you using thermal detection," Roz explains as they stand outside of the cabin, their stomach's still full from the breakfast they had eaten a few hours before.

"So how can I stop them from detecting my heat signature," Marina asks attentively?

"I can give you a wool blanket. It will act as an insulator and hopefully keep them from finding you. Just make sure to duck and cover anytime you hear any noise that sounds like a helicopter or plane."

Marina nods, "I will... thank you."

'Thank you-,' Marina thinks, '-That is something I have been saying a lot lately.'

"I know you think you need to leave, but I am completely fine with you staying here with. At least feel free to stay until the weather gets warmer...," Roz trails off, and Marina thinks Roz looks a little hopeful.

Marina thinks about it for a second, 'It would be harder to travel in the snow and cold weather, and Otis still looks fairly sick. Is she just offering to be polite though, or does she really want me to stay?'

Marina looks Roz in the eye, looking for any indication that she wants her to leave- she finds none. "Are you sure? I can leave now if you want me to; you do not need to feel sorry for me or anything though," Marina finally says.

Roz simply walks away and opens the door of her cabin before looking back and calling out to her, "Are you coming inside or what?"

Marina nods with a large grin and follows Roz into the cabin.

"Obviously I don't expect you to stay forever, but feel free to call this place your home for as long as you want."

Marina smiles when she realizes that Roz said the word 'want' and not the word 'need.' 'I really could get used to this place,' Marina thinks, surprising even herself as she forgets her remorseful feelings about leaving her old home and instead thinks about the new home she has the potential of creating for herself.

Shades of PurpleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora