"You did?" I asked quietly feeling the small strings of my heart being plucked at.

He nodded "Katy, you get me. Very few women get me.. And by a few, I mean only you.. I- I just can't commit and I wouldn't and want you to place your life on hold for someone like me."

My mind was swarmed with questions, none of which I knew where to start with. Nothing seemed clear and it was my fault for letting the other night happen.

"Why are you here Zak?" I asked as he stood up and stretched his body out. With a swift movement, he sank down beside me on the couch, his fingers picking up on the end pieces of my hair.

He smiled softly "Your hair is always so soft. Like a piece of silk between my fingers." I watched as he continued to play with the strand before he picked up another bit.

"Zak." I spoke quietly making his eyes snap from my hair to my face. "Why are you here?"

He closed his eyes as my hair fell between his fingertips, his tongue wet his lips causing my own throat to dry out.

"Why do you think?" He asked opening his eyes up to await my answer.

I shrugged "I don't know.."

"Yes you do." He replied soothing his thumb across my face.

I shook my head gently "But we agreed on-"

"I don't care what we agreed." He responded huskily, flicking my hair out of the way, his face pushed into my neck and his lips pressed gently on my weakest spot.

Immediately my body softened, allowing my head to lull to the side giving him more access. He continued with the feather light touches until I moaned gently, that's when he sucked on the soft flesh whilst his hand supported my chin and his thumb dragged across my lips.

Zak had and will always be a sensation overload, the man could infect your dreams, your mind and disturb your thoughts at the most inappropriate moments. He could make you forget about your worse nightmares in a second for a few touches. He was experienced, there was no denying that. He was an expert on the female body and mind.

"You smell so good." He added pulling my mind from the dark abyss it was winding down into.

"We can't." I breathed.

"You don't believe that." He answered inhaling my perfume before groaning. "Tell me you don't want to repeat last night?"

The mere thought had my thighs clenching together, my teeth tried to bite onto my lip but his thumb was there causing me to bite down on it gently.

"See.. don't fight it. I can hear your heart from here." He whispered nipping at my earlobe softly enough to make my eyes roll.

I hated how weak he made me, the way my body was like a puppet, awaiting him to pull the strings. I also hated that no matter what, my heart was beating so fast that the sound could be mistaken for a galloping horses hoofs.

The closer his mouth got, the more my guard fell, there was a reason why I left Billy's.

Why I walked away? Why did I walk away? Why did I come home? Why do I feel shame? Why do I feel regret?

Just as I was about to cave into his needs, the image of the woman flashed in my mind. Her perfect skin and long legs.

Like a cold bucket of water over my flushed skin, I pulled back instantly and pushed my hands against Zak's chest.

"I-I'm sorry did I hurt you that time?" He asked.

I blinked away the confusion on what he was talking about when I felt his fingers take hold of my wrists. "Speak to me?"

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