"Did you get your homework done?" Tony asked absentmindedly as he began working on the whiteboard. I pressed the button for the elevator before answering.

"Nope." And I wasn't planning on finishing it. Tony didn't respond anyway.


"Lady Stark? Are you all right?" Thor asked concern lacing his voice. I jumped in my spot, forgetting that he was staying here. I had been sitting on the couch watching TV, deciding to not go to sleep and rebel against Tony - Maybe that would get his attention.

"Completely fine. Why do you ask?" I turned my head, glancing at the Norse God who now wore regular human pajamas. His blonde hair was held up in a man bun that looked both hilarious, and hot.

"Why do you mortals always lie and keep your feelings in?" I raised my eyebrows at him. Was he serious?

"Oh, and you Asgardians tell your feelings to every stranger you meet? Did your brother tell you how he was planning on destroying my city? I don't think so." I gave him a tight smile and crossed my arms in triumph. Thor's shoulders slumped, and I could tell what I had said hurt.

"Sorry. I'm just pissed at Tony, so I'm taking it out on you." I said, giving him an honest answer.

"Speaking of your father, he tells me you have powers. Powers quite like mine. . ." He trails off. I look over at him and nod. I rest my hand out, concentrating on the energy in the walls and inside of me. Yellow and blue electricity sparks across my hand, bouncing from my fingers to my palm in a delicate manner.

"I can also fly, and I have this cool speed thing." I told him with a shrug as if my powers weren't that cool. I wondered for a sec, where would I be without my powers? Tony had only found me because I was The Breeze. Would I still be living in an orphanage?

Thor and I had talked that night. About him and me. We talked about how I was found, and we talked about his brother, Loki. He told me stories about Loki when he was younger when he wasn't such a bad guy. At moments the stories sounded like they were about me. Loki was always one for mischief, much like me. At some point during the night, Thor decided to go to sleep, but I just stayed there on the couch in thought. At some point I fell asleep, the only thing on my mind was Peter.


"J, is Dad up?" I asked, shoving a spoonful of cheerios in my mouth. I needed a ride to school since it was starting to get cold, oddly enough in September. Naturally, Thor couldn't take me, not having a license kinda made it hard to drive in New York or anywhere.

"It seems he is still busy working; he asked not to be interrupted. Is it important?" Jarvis asked. I'm his kid doesn't that classify as importance?

"Nope, just wondering." I lied, shaking my head at myself for lying so easily. I began to eat my cereal a little quicker wanting to be able to get to school on time since I would have to skate.

I wasn't paying a lot of attention to the news channel. It was always the same things on the news, Captain Stacey reporting on how they are going to find these vigilantes, or J. Jonah Jameson complaining about the "wall-crawling menace" or "the flying electric threat." But not today. Today was something different.

"Why have we not yet heard from Captain Rogers?" The TV spoke quietly. At hearing the words "Captain Rogers," my mind automatically shut down. I dropped my spoon, splashing milk and cereal all over my outfit today, but I didn't notice or hardly care. I reached for the remote slamming the volume button, so I could hear it better.

"I don't know what there is left for him to say. I think the rock in the middle of the Potomac made his point very eloquently." Natasha spoke calmly. She wore a black business suit with her red hair down to her shoulders. Wait, what? Why was Natasha on the news? What are they even talking about? Maybe I should pay more attention to the news from now on...

The Breeze [Tony Starks Daughter]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ