Part 26

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"Boruto.." Sarada said while approaching her teammate.

"What do you want Sarada.." he replied annoyed.

The Uchiha heiress knew that he wasn't having a good time since what Himawari did. But she couldn't deny that if it wasn't for her, all of them would've died during the battle on the mountain.

She sighed, "Boruto... I think we should get her back. We did wrong in abandon her at the forest, and-"

"She'll be fine dattebasa...she made it this far by lying to us. I'm sure it won't be a problem for her, returning to the village being herself."

"Baka! What the hell is wrong with you?!?! She's your sister despise all she's done!" she replied while punching his head.

"I already know Sarada! I don't need you to lecture me dattebasa" Boruto said while lowering his head.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Mitsuki interrupted. Boruto blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she's your sister" he said. "And she saved us"

"But the law-"

"You heard Lord Seventh" Shikadai joined while crossing his arms. "The law applied IF Himawari worked as a double agent. But she wasn't.."

"So basically we betrayed the village by abandoning Hima-chan at the forest" Inojin said.

"W-well, we could fix that" Sumire murmured, caughting everyone's attention.

Meanwhile, Naruto and the Five Kages were having a meeting about the latest news of the war.

"I knew we should've eliminated that law..." the Tsuchikage said.

"This place us in a delicate position" Gaara, the Kazekage added. "Where exactly did they abandoned her?"

"Between the borders of Suna and the Hidden Grass" Sasuke replied. "There was an abandoned house they used as a shelter."

"We gotta act inmediately" Chojuro, the Mizukage said. "Toneri acts in silence, if we keep waiting, the consequences will be catastrophic."

"Agreed" the Raikage said. "But what shall we do about them? Is a mistake that cannot be forgotten that easily"

"I know, but they are our only hope." Gaara added.

"Maybe we could split them into the other units" The Tsuchikage said.

"That will only put us in a disadvantage" Sasuke said. "It'll take too much time, making them go to another places to fight."

"Hokage-sama!" said Konohamaru while bursting into the room. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have him."

"Him?" Naruto said before realizing who was he referring to. "Are you serious dattebayo?"

"Hai! He appeared badly injured at Sunagakure's gates. He's taken as a prisoner right now."

"Then take us there" Chojuro said. "He might have some information about your daughter, Hokage-sama."

They all left the room and followed Konohamaru. As they entered the prison, they saw a very tired young boy with dark brown hair and a red cursed mark on one of his arms.

"Kawaki.." Naruto said as the boy looked up to him.

"You.." Sasuke murmured. "Why you came here?"


"You should be talking right now. Silence isn't gonna do any good for you" the Tsuchikage warned.

"I don't care what happens to me" Kawaki stated. "I'm a dead man anyway.."

The Five Kages looked at eachother. They were all confused. Only the Uchiha stepped foward and kept asking.

"It seems you came on your own will. Why?"

"Because I need your help."

"Help? You work for Toneri dattebayo!" Naruto snapped with impatience.

Kawaki stood up from his chair and leaned close to the bars that separated him from the others. "You have to believe me. Toneri captured her at the forest."

"What?" All the Kages said in shock.

"She was with me when Toneri captured her at the forest." Kawaki lowered his head before Naruto tried to choke him.

"You bastard! You gave her to him dattebayo!"

"Naruto! Stop it!" Gaara and Sasuke yelled while separating him from the boy.

"Control yourself dobe! He's the only clue we have!" Sasuke yelled angrily at his friend.

"Easy Naruto" Gaara said.

"It's okay, I deserve it" Kawaki said. "However I need your help to rescue her."

"Why would you want to rescue her? Why the change of mind?" the Raikage asked while Kawaki turned his head away.

"...With all due respect, Hokage-sama" he said while hidig his blush. "Is more a change of heart."

Then he gave the kages a determined look. "We don't have time. I know the route to get us to his main base. If we get him before he gets her eyes the war will be over. Please, Hokage-sama..."

Naruto saw how the others turned to him waiting for a response. He had a lot of things going on. Himawari's kidnapped and now, Kawaki is apparently in love with her and wants to rescue her. But then, he is also one of the main enemies of the war.

'What should I do?'

'Do it'

'But Kurama, he and Toneri caused all of this dattebayo'

'Don't give me that excuse, brat! The last time you've been in a situation like this you had that Uchiha brat as your insane enemy! And you still forgave him..'


'Look brat...I know this is a lot of information. But the time's ticking and your daughter's life depends on it. Just do it now and after everything's done then we'll deal with him'

Naruto sighed and gave Kawaki a serious look. If this was the opprtunity Kami gave him to make things right with Himawari so be it!

"Alright." he crossed his arms. "Tell us the plan dattebayo"

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