Chapter 1

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• Ivy •

Ugh! Someone help me. Why is it the last day in school before summer, goes super slow? It feels like I've been listening to my Health class teacher talk for hours, it's only been five minutes.

"As your favourite teacher, I have decided to give you all a summer assessment. You will be put into pairs, in those pairs you will write an essay on the differences between relationships from your parents generation to yours." He said making us all groan.

"Can we just write the word everything ?" Riker asked trying to keep straight face as the entire class started laughing. Please, please, put me in a pair with one of my friends.

This summer, my friends and I are going on a tour around America, visiting all 50 states, driving. It's supposed to be the best summer of our lives but if I'm placed in a pair with someone who isn't included on this trip, I will physically cry. We've been playing this and saving up for nearly three years.

"Lynch and Moore."

Riker and I nodded giving each other a fist bump. "You two actually have to do this." He warned.

"Not my fault she was too busy with her boyfriend." Riker whispered, I gasped and kicked him in his leg "he wasn't my boyfriend, nothing happened."

"I know you fucked him." Riker said looking at me.

"I was going to but he couldn't get it up." I whispered making Riker laugh "you're telling me a 18 year old couldn't get it up ?"

"Why does it bother you ?" I asked looking at him "Did you two talk about me ?"

"You were brought up, he said you weren't putting out enough that's why he didn't text you back. Dude do you know how hard I tried setting you two up ?" Riker asked.

Excuse me, you did nothing apart from deleted his number from my phone afterwards.

"He wanted me to blow him and I was like no and he got pissed and kept telling me to and we got into this huge fight. I didn't like him like that and if you say you didn't try setting us up just so you could get with his sister, you're bullshitting me." I said laughing at his face.

"His used to freaky girls." Riker laughed.

"Ok." I said quietly laughing to myself, jumping as Riker moved real close sniffing me "yeah thought I smelt bullshit...ow!" Riker whispered as I dug my fingers into his knee cap.

The bell rang and I let go of Riker's leg, smirking as I picked up my bag, gasping as he yanked my hair "love birds do you mind keeping your hands off of each other ?" Maya laughed.

I rolled my eyes stuffing my bag into my locker. Riker and I aren't dating, we never will be. I'm like his little sister and his like my big brother, I say big and little I actually mean there's a few months between us, his just older. We don't like each other and we can't ever see each other in that way. It's pretty cool having a boy bestie, he helps me and I'll help him.

"Tell her that! I think she broke my knee cap." Riker said rubbing his knee.

"Aww poor baby." Maya said grabbing his cheeks.

"Leave him alone." Jay laughed kissing Maya.

"I have a question, how are you two going to do your assignment ?" Maya asked.

"You don't have to be in a relationship to know the difference between two generations. My dad has just accepted the fact that he found conforms in my bedroom-"

"Oh baby no, no, no." Maya said making us all laugh.

My father is insanely religious, sex before marriage? A fat ass no. Living with somebody before marriage? Nope. Drinking? No. He tries controlling my life, I'm not allowed to date, studying should come before anything else, if I want a husband I must learn to cook and go clean, I would have to become a stay at home wife and raise as many kids as my husband demands me to. My dad lives by the bible.

"What did your mom do?" Jay asked.

"Sat back and laughed as we argued and I tried keeping a straight face, he was like you're fucking grounded for the rest of life, I was like alright then and you texted me and I just went Maya needs help with a science project and he just told me not to be back too late." I said laughing.

"Why do you have condoms ? Who you gonna be fuckin' ?" Riker laughed.

"Jealous?" Maya asked.

Riker rolled his eyes and shook his head "just because I actually get laid and you don't doesn't mean you get to be a dickhead to me." I smiled.

"Oh you get laid, name the last person you had sex with." Riker smirked raising his eyebrow.

"Your dad's name is Mark right ?" I asked walking off with Maya laughing, Riker laughed tripping me up as he walked behind us "fuck you."

"I'm going to make you a deal." Jay said standing in front of the three of us, stopping us in our tracks. I sighed and rolled my eyes, another one, his always making some kind of deal, he sticks to his word admittedly but another one.

"I'll give you five bucks right now if you kiss him." Jay said holding out his hand, I nodded shaking it and kissed Riker's cheek smiling "hand it over."

Maya and Riker laughed at his confused face "I don't understand." Jay stuttered.

"What did you say ?" I asked.

"I'll give you five bucks right now if you kiss him..." Jay said, I nodded "exactly, at no point in that sentence did you say where I had to kiss him."

Jay sighed pulling out five dollars and handed it to me "I'm going to get you two to fuck I don't care how or when but I'm going to do it."

"I'm gay." Riker said, Maya and I looked him up and down nodding, I could see him making out with another dude "dude really ?" Jay asked.

"No he is not." Emily laughed kissing him.

"And out of all people in the world she would know." Maya said, I nodded rolling my eyes. She gets bothered by it, I have to live with it.

Emily is my twin sister, we're about 15 minutes apart and I'm the youngest out of us, which she loves to rub in my face constantly.

"That reminds me, where did you go last night?" Emily asked "you said you were going to bed at 11 and I came in to your room to get the iPad and you weren't there, how did you get mom and dad to let you out ?"

I laughed "I didn't, I climbed out of the window and why does it matter where I was ? You fuck off with him all the time."

"He is my boyfriend."

Emily gets annoyed because Riker and I are best friends but as I've said I see him as a brother and also as a brother in law 'cause they're engaged, this is our last summer before college after today we are officially no longer high school students, at the end of the summer in the last two weeks, they're getting married and eloping.

"Calm the fuck down." I said making her roll her eyes, I can understand the jealousy. I'm her sister and I wouldn't mess with anyone's man.

Maya and Jay don't like Emily. She's possessive over Riker and it does cause some problems for us if we all hang out and she can be a bitch to us, especially to us girls, she likes to think she is better than everyone else.

"Claws away."

Your Kiss Is Magic // Riker Lynch Where stories live. Discover now