Chapter 21

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Hey guys, I sincerely apologize for being MIA for as long as I have. I lost inspiration for this story and was in the process of moving, but I figured I better put a chapter out and get closer to the end for you all. That being said, I hope you enjoy this one it's um.. yeah. (;


Lauren's POV

"Is it time yet?"

The same question may as well of been on a broken record at this point by this amount of times Grace has asked it. Yet, that failed to deter her.

"Look here, Speedy Gonzalez, if you don't shut the hell up, I'll walk out of here alone."

I thought that would keep Grace Phillips quiet for a longer period of time, but as per usual, I was wrong.

"How about now?"

I threw the chess piece within my reach towards the nuisance, but all she does is take the hit to her chest without the slightest visual form of discomfort.

"You do know, being a danger to those around you-"

"Grace, does anyone ever tell you that listening to your voice gives them a headache?"

It turns out my week in the looney bin was more depressing than Aly or I thought it would be. Between my 'daily sessions' with the psychiatrist that I was assigned, who just so happened to be another attractive Matthews woman, I was bored out of my mind. When I wasn't talking about my life or flirting with my doctor, I was stuck around my new best friend.

"What time is he coming again, Lo?"

I look towards the clock hung on the wall above her head, which reads a little after noon. Sighing for probably the hundredth time since I awoke that morning, I rest my head against the chair.

"In a few minutes, G. You need to calm down."

"I want to get out of here, okay? People think prison food is bad, they obviously haven't tried the food here. It's inhumane."

I decide the only thing getting me through the next few minutes would be drowning out Grace's continuous speeches about the food. As soon as I was about to tell her to shut up for the second time in less than five minutes, the man of the day walked in the door.

"Miss Smith?"

Time to shine, Aly.


Aly's POV

A week later and the woman who had been calling me has stuck with her end of the agreement. No phone calls until my contract is finished. Little did she know, I'd be finished in less than twelve hours.

My past few days have not been entirely consumed with getting up to date on the security systems placed throughout the ward. I've also managed to call the man on the chopping block to convince him that Lauren has been wrongly accused of a mental disorder. Surprisingly, he was all for the case, with a small profit of course.

I knew after the kill, everything could go one of two ways and I know what one everyone would lean towards.

I either succeed in the contract, kill the lawyer in cold blood, rescue my best friend and ex, discover who the woman behind the phone is, and eventually live in peace.

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