Chapter 13

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"Rise and shine, Bullet! You're lawyer's here to say hello."

"Bite me, Grumps."

I sit straight up in the poor excuse of a bed, rubbing what little sleep I got from my eyes. Looking towards the door, I see two officers ready to escort me to my 'lawyer".

"What a welcoming committee."

They grab my arm, pulling me to my feet and attach a pair of cuffs to my wrists behind my back.

"Come on, guys. If you want it rough you have to buy the lady dinner first."

Their response is to shove me through the door of my cell and right towards a waiting Sheriff Phillips. Refusing any sort of contact, she grabs me behind my elbow and escorts me towards, what I assume is an interrogation room. As I'm pushed into the room and the door is locked behind me, I'm confused as to who is sitting in one of the only two chairs inside the room.


"You're something else, you know that?"

I make my way into the other chair, leaning across the small table with a confused look etched into my features.

"I thought you were an accountant?"

"Accountant, lawyer, same difference. The real question is, why are you in here?"

Sighing, I lay my head against the cool table, recollecting on the past twenty-four hours.

"People I thought I could trust turned on me, J."

"I thought you would've learned to not trust anyone but yourself, Aly."

"Makes two of us. What are you doing here?"

"What else would your buddy be doing other than busting you out?"

A smirk makes its way onto my face,

"I thought you didn't get your hands dirty anymore?"

He leans back into his chair, folding his arms across his chest,

"Who said it was going to be me? You aren't my only Hitman."

After he finishes his sentence, the lights shut off, hiding my ever growing smile.

"Sneaky, sneaky."

"You have ten minutes before they come back on,"

He makes his way behind me, picking the lock on my cuffs and handing me a pile of soft objects.

"Change. Your ride is waiting for you in the back exit. Nine minutes."

I quickly pull my old clothes from my body and slip my newer clothes on. I stop at the door and look over my shoulder to where I assume James sat.


"Don't thank me until you're out of here. And Aly?"

I open the door, but wait for him to continue,

"This is the last time I save your ass. You might be my best Hitman, but I can still replace you."

Flipping my hood over my head, I start to make my way through the precinct and out the back door. Sneaking glances from the floor, I see my escape, but as I'm a few feet away, I hear someone yell behind me.


Sh-t. Act natural.

"Hey, I'm locking the back door! Sheriff said to make sure all escapes are covered until the prisoners are accounted for."

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