Chapter 17

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So I have been reading A LOT of stories recently, and I've noticed they've had some sort of music or video in the chapters. It made me notice it puts a sort of mood over the whole chapter. Yeah I've done that for a few of my chapters, but would you like to have some sort of ambience music? Cause I do listen to music when I write my chapters and they do give me the flow as I write. Just a question.

Anyway, here's the chapter,


It's been one solid week since I've left the hospital behind and went right back into my life that I don't even remember.

Grace did call Roy the day I woke up, but I didn't really talk much to my friend. Do you know the look people give those who are less fortunate than them? The look of pity and sorrow? The type of look that no one really wants to receive, especially from those that they love?

That was the look almost anyone I 'know' was throwing towards me.

The first words out of Roy's mouth when he saw me laying in that hospital bed were,

"Do you need anything?"

Followed by,

"Everything's going to be okay."

Don't get me wrong, Roy Allen Birch is and always will be one of my best friends. At that moment, I wanted to crawl under a rock and roll my eyes so hard they get stuck in the back of my head.

The weirdest part was I didn't even know why I was reacting like I was.

The whole week I was in that hospital room I was easily agitated and skittish. One night, Grace tried to wake me up to eat something for the day and I almost broke her hand.

I didn't know where my reflexes and where my pent-up frustration came from. Before graduation, I was awkward and clumsy in every account of the words.

On top of it all, I wasn't trustworthy enough to live my own life on my own accord anymore. I was still a temporary mute and I had no recollection of the past ten years of my life. So, I had a wonderful new roommate in a brand new loft on the outskirts of Queens.

"Aly! Did you get up yet?"

Speak of the devil and she shall already start screaming at me and making my life hell on Earth.

"Why am I yelling?"

Good question.

The door to my room opens and the blonde stands in the threshold glaring at me slightly, taking in my disheveled form. I return her glare and lay right back down in my bed, pulling the blankets over my head.

"Oh, hell no. Get you ass out of bed, Alyson."

I groan in response, which she takes as some for of an insult and rips the blankets off of my slightly uncovered body. Throwing my hand high into the air, I make sure one finger is higher than the rest.

"Real cute, Aly. Come on it's,"

She pauses to do, what I assume, is to check the time. I'm right when she starts to yell at me once again.

"Two in the afternoon. Get your basic white girl ass out of bed!"

I wave my hand around in the air, not bothering to put my finger down. She sighs and then I know I really f-cked up.

"I get that you have no motivation, Aly, but you aren't going to regain any idea of the last decade laying on your ass in our cold apartment."

I slightly move my head to give her the look I've grown accustomed to over the past week.

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