Chapter 3

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"So what do you do for a living?"

Phillip and I were currently sitting in a small, unpopular restaurant telling each other a little about ourselves. When she asks that question, I hesitate shortly, but come up with an answer I can easily back up.

"I'm unemployed. Nowhere really wants a discharged vet. Especially one that hasn't been rightfully employed since she was seventeen."

"Good point."

I take a sip from my drink, watching her pick at her salad.

"What do you do?"

She looks up from her plate, giving me a sly smile,

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

I return the smile,

"I would, that's why I asked."

"Well, I haven't worked in a few years. My husband is very, what's the right word, protective?"

"So he's a control freak?"

She smiles sadly at her lap,

"You could say that."

I take a bite of my burger,

"What did you do then?"

"First, chew with you mouth closed you heathen, that's disgusting. Didn't your mother teach you table manners?"

I shrug, waiting for her to answer my question,

"I was a police officer."

I almost choke on the bite of my burger, but I take a sip of my drink before it's obvious.

"A cop?"

Well crap.

"I mean, yeah. I went to school for it and everything. I was pretty good until Aaron thought I was going to get hurt, so he made me quit."

"He made you?"

"He asked me."

I stare at her skeptically, but she brushes it off and asks another question.

"So you were discharged?"

I nod, taking another bite of my food.


I pause my chewing, letting my eyes wander from hers to my plate.

"I'm sorry, I'm overstepping aren't I? Forget I asked."

I sigh,

"It's fine, it was months ago. I guess the stress caught up with me and I beat the hell out of a fellow soldier."

"Jesus, Matt."

"It's over with, so there's nothing I can do about it."

It was quiet for a minute before my phone started ringing. I pulled my phone out and answered the call,


Phillip glares at how I answered the call normally, making me smile.

"Aly? What the hell are you doing? You have a job to do!"

"Calm down, James. I don't have to do it right this second. It'll get done."

"It better get done, this job is important."

He hangs up abruptly, making me shake my head, but my phone starts vibrating again.

"I haven't been this popular since high school,"

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