Chapter 16

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"Come on, Aly! We're going to be late!"

"Hold on, mom!"

It was the day of my high school graduation and the day after I would be shipped out to basic training. Adjusting the robe around my body, I make sure no one can tell what I decided to wear underneath.

My mother was adamant about wearing a dress and I agreed just to keep the peace. Little did she know, I just had on a pair of shorts and one of my many band t-shirts. As I'm placing my cap on my head, my older brother practically comes knocking down my door.

"Aly, hurry the hell up. Mom is going to lose her mind if you take any longer."

"Alright, alright, I'm coming."

Making my way downstairs, I'm met with the picture perfect family standing by the front door, each one with a matching smile. For some reason, in the back of my mind, I never thought to return it.

"Aly, are you excited?"

"Ri, unlike you I'm going across seas and getting shot at. I'm not sitting in a classroom studying blood samples and mental diseases."

She rolls her eyes at me and my dad wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into a sideways hug.

"Cheer up, Aly, after today you're a free woman. Don't be afraid to bring back a guy when you visit in a few months."

Little do you know dad.

"Sure. I'll put that on my list, dad."

"Maybe a nurse. Oh! How about a mechanic, they make a lot of money."

That was always the issue with my mother. Money over love, wealth wins every battle. I've fought with her on the subject for so long, I started to feel like a broken record that didn't even know when the right time to stop spinning was.

"Come on, you're going to be late."

We all shuffled out of the house, with me trailing behind to lock the front door. Who would've guessed the second the deadbolt clicked into place, my life would never go back to the way it was in high school. My innocence was gone, right along with my family's respect.


"Sergeant Matthews!"

I stop what I'm doing, shuffling papers around my desk, when I'm interrupted by an all too familiar voice.

"Can I help you, Private?"

Turning around I'm met with the lovely face of my fiancée. I can tell she's trying to hide the smile on her face for catching me off guard, but she keeps talking.

"I don't know why I bother with you sometimes, Aly."

I lean against my desk, smiling at her,

"What's the rush, Lo?"

"Your parents called."

This causes my blood to run cold, hoping for the least amount of confrontation as possible.

"Did you answer?"

"What kind of question is that? They're your parents, dork, of course I did."

I try to keep my cool, continuing to ask questions,


"They're coming over for dinner tonight."

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