Chapter 40🔥 Confrontation & Love

Start from the beginning

Hadraniel smiled widely when she placed herself beside him. His eyes trailed the outlines of her perfect face, from her thick but perfectly arched brows, to her deep set lavender eyes adorned by long lashes. She sat stiffly, conscious of his gaze but he enveloped her into a warm embrace, "it's soft, isn't it?" He whispered into her ears, his breath tickled and sent thousands of bolts of electricity on her body.

"Huh?" She said stupidly, her face turned crimson when she realized what she felt.

Is this what arousal feels like? She asked mentally.

"Arousal?" Hadraniel asked innocently but his eyes lingered on her pouting cheery lips

Pearl jolted away. She was embarrassed. "I forgot that you could read my mind if you touch me."

"So, how does it feel? Arousal, I mean," Hadraniel asked casually like he was just discussing what he ate for breakfast that day.

"Haddy!" Pearl slapped his chest. "How can you ask such question? Are you trying to make me uncomfortable?"

"No," he replied with a playful smile pasted on his lips. "I just want to make you happy and I want to give answers to your curiosity."

"What do you mean?" Pearl asked nervously.

"I mean like this," Hadraniel pulled her in and captured her lips with his. He gave her a full innocent smack on the lips and smiled widely again when they parted, "how's that?" He asked proud of himself like a kid who got a gift he wanted.

Pearl couldn't help herself but laugh. How she missed this adorable hunk in front of her. And just like the old times, he never ceased to amuse and surprise her at the same time. Same old Haddy. Her Haddy.

Hadraniel smiled sheepishly and said, "it wasn't even close?" His eyes were hopeful.

"No, Haddy. It was perfect." Pearl assured him wearing an amused smile on her lips.

"Stop patronizing me," he pouted like a child. It was a side of him that he only shows to Pearl. He was known to be the great Hadraniel on all of the Agelicum Realm but to Pearl, he's a cuddly little angel. Her cuddly bear.

"Don't be like that. Do you want me to show it to you?" Pearl offered with a glint of naughtiness in her eyes. She wasn't expecting him to agree anyway.

"Okay, show me." His immediate reply made Pearl choke on her saliva.

Pearl's eyes widened in surprised. Her heart leaped out of her chest from the unexpected response.

"Something is definitely wrong here. What is it, Haddy?" She asked him worriedly. The Hadraniel she knew wouldn't even dare to dream of such things.

"I will tell you if you show me first," he told her in a firm voice. He only uses that tone when he didn't want to accept any refusal.

Pearl looked at him thoughtfully contemplating on how to react accordingly.

"Fine," she caved in.

Pearl reached for his face, she held it on both of her hands, "close your eyes." The words came out of her mouth hoarse and barely a whisper. Her heart drums hard inside her ribcage. She longed to do this with him for a very, very long time. She knew that this was treading on dangerous grounds but Pearl would accept any punishment for this chance to really feel him and make him understand  how she felt all this time.

Hadraniel obeyed without a word. He closed his eyes in apprehension. For the first time in his thousands of years of existence, he felt alive and really living. He prayed for forgiveness for his indiscretion. Deep inside he begged for just this one time hoping that when he completes his mission, this act would be justified.

Then he felt it, when Pearl's lips met his in a moist and warm kiss, his heart raced a marathon. At first it was gentle, hesitant. Slowly, it became more needy as she tried to part his lips for an entrance. Hadraniel was somewhat baffled by the feeling it gave him. The connection that seemed to root itself on his soul by just a simple act the humans called a kiss. But, he let those feelings guide his way as he gave her access and followed everything she did like an obedient student. It was bliss.

A moan escaped Pearl's throat as their to tongues played with each other. She wanted more. She wanted Hadraniel too much that it hurts. Her body was on fire and her core was wet.

"S-stop," she pushed him away. Her face was flushed with desire.

"Why?" He asked while he pulled her into a warm embrace. "Does my aura bothers you?"

"N-no, it's not that," Pearl stammered in embarrassment. She clung to him tightly like there was no tomorrow. She needed him like the air she breathes.

Hadraniel smiled towards her action, he felt it. Her heart was thrumming in her chest, the rhythms were slowly becoming one with his. How he wished it would stay that way forever but he knew that they only had this chance. One chance to make their goodbye a memorable one. No matter what the costs, he already paid in advance by taking this mission.

"What is it then?" He urged her.

"I wanted more. I'm afraid I can't stop myself if we continue. I need to touch you, feel you," Pearl confessed as she burried her face on his neck, inhaling his sweet scent.

"Then touch me, feel me. . ."

Pearl gasped and peeled herself from him to look into his eyes. Her disbelief showed on her beautiful face as she tried to find an answer from his calm facial expression.

A tear cascaded her face, "No, I don't want to know what your mission is." She uttered the words with dread.

"I told you, after. We don't want to ruin this special moment for us. Just you and me," Hadraniel said softly, his hand wiped her tear as he caressed her face lovingly.

"B-but. . ." Pearl's protests were lost I'm her throat as he pulled her in again for another kiss. This time he took the initiative to lead. Pearl responded with all her love and snaked her arms around his waist while he burried his in her hair. The sensations that hit them sent goosebumps all over. The kiss was passionate and intense than they were both gasping for air when they parted.

"Make love to me," Pearl asked wantonly.

Hadraniel looked at her with penetrating gaze and answered, "by all means, show me my love."

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