Paradise Here We Come!

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"Yugi! Anzu is here!"
"I'll be right there!"

Yugi  ran around his room making sure he didn't forget anything for his day as he tried to shake off his sleep. As he moved around the room he could feel the gaze of the spirit he had met five months ago following him. It was hard to believe all the time that has past since he completed the millennium puzzle. When he would work on the puzzle he would always imagine the change his wish would bring to his life. He just never planned on how much change. New friends, adventure and a bond that went deeper then any relationship known to man.

"You're forgetting your English book Yugi." His other self said as he sat on the bed.

"Thanks!" Yugi said as he grab the item. He yawn a bit as he shoved the book in his bag. Yugi was not use to getting up this early in the morning, but his best friend called him last night begging him to meet up with him before school started. "I wonder if it's something serious." Yami said thoughtfully as he rested his chin in his hand.

"I don't think so. If it was he would have come over last night, breaking down our door." Yugi replied as he tried to fix his hair.

"I suppose you're right. Jonouchi is not the settle type." Yami chuckled as he saw that Yugi was quickly glancing at himself in the mirror again. "You look fine Yugi, though I still think you would look better with more chains."

"I told you, not my style!" Yugi said as he grab the puzzle, putting it around his neck.

"Yugi!" Both the boys looked at the door where the feminine voice came from the other side.

"I'm coming!" Yugi ran grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder as he headed for the door.

"Don't forget to tell Anzu she looks nice today." His other self teased before disappearing deep with in the puzzle.

Yugi blushed in annoyance when the spirit disappeared before he could say anything back.

"I hate it when he does that!"
"Does what?"

Yugi turned to see Anzu waiting for him down the stairs from his room. She did look nice today but then again she looked nice every day. Yugi laughed nervously saying "Nothing, nothing."

Anzu blinked, sighed and then smiled softly saying "If we don't leave now Jonouchi is going to gripe at us all day."

"Right, sorry." Yugi nodded he as ran passed Anzu to open the door

Outside, Yugi's grandfather was still busy sweeping the front of the store. He turned and smiled at the pair. "So, you finally made it down Yugi. You really shouldn't make a pretty girl wait." He winked at him, making Anzu giggled and Yugi blush again.

"What's with everyone teasing me this morning?" He muttered to himself.

"Did you at least get a chance to eat something Yugi?"

"I'll get something on the way grandpa, we got to go!" Yugi said as he noticed the time on his watch.

"See you later Mr. Mutou!" Anzu said as she ran off.

"Later grandpa!"

"So long you two! Tell the others I sais hi!" Yugi's grandfather wave them off as they ran down the street.

As the two ran, Anzu noticed that a new shop was opening up just up the street where Yugi's grandfather shop was. The purple and gold sign saying Mage Café caught her attention making her stop.

"Hey Yugi? Did you know a new café opened up here?" She asked as she try to peer into the display window but couldn't see anything pass the dark purple curtain . Yugi stopped and looked at the shop in surprise. They walked this way every morning and afternoon. How was it that they just now noticed the place.

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