Mixed up

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The next morning came too soon for the young duelist, but not for the spirit. Yami stood at the side of the bed watching the boy sleep. He turned his head at the clock to see how much longer he would have to wait for the alarm. He thought about messing with it, to wake Yugi up sooner, but Yugi probably wouldn't like that. 'No, he would hate it.' He sighed and crossed his arms looking away from the device, he'll would have to wait ten more minutes. Ten long excruciating minutes.

He tried closing his eyes, but images of the girl kept flashing through his mind. He opened them quickly shaking his head so to sweep them away. He could feel heat rising in his body, a new feeling he was not sure if he liked. After the episode he had last night, Yugi pointed out that his face was red. He frowned when Yugi smugly pointed out that if Yami acted like that at a mere description, how would he act when he sees her with his own eyes? Feeling prideful, Yami didn't mention that he already saw her, in a way. But how she looked was not the issue, it was her ability to know things she should not and if she was a friend or foe. And what she was already doing to him.

The clock rang out bringing him out of his thoughts. Red eyes stared down at Yugi begging him to wake up already. Yugi stirred for a bit and reached over to turn of the alarm. He let out a loud yawn and went back to sleep. Yami was not willing to wait any longer and begun calling out to Yugi. Nothing. Frustrated that his spiritual form could not simply shake the boy awake he was going to have to do this the hard way. Yami disappear for a moment and took over the small body and moved out of the bed. He walked out of the room, waving hi to Yugi's mother and enter the bathroom. He removed the star pajamas, folding them neatly and stepped into the shower, but not before putting a stool in first.

"Sorry to do this partner but you have to wake up." He switched places with Yugi just as he turned on the cold water. Yugi nearly fell off the stool as he cried out as the ice water strike at him. His mother called out behind the door.

"I'm fine, just forgot to turn on the hot water!" He called out as he quickly turned on the hot water. "Did you really have to do that?"

"You wouldn't wake up. We can't be late, and besides didn't you say you wanted a shower?" Yami explained coolly and laughed at the cute death stare Yugi gave him.

"Yeah, but not like that!" Yugi huffed as he took out the stool. "I could have drowned!"

"As if I would let you." Yami merely scoffed and disappear to give his partner some privacy.

Later, Yugi didn't say much to the spirit as he ready his backpack, but his mind was a mess of thoughts. Yami was acting weird, this girl bothered the spirit, and he didn't understand why. Okay, he did, and he didn't. Yami was always protected of him but he was mostly direct and calm about it. Now, he acted anxious and well, excited.   

"Are you sure you don't want me to take over for now, just in case?"

Yugi sighed as he responded, "Yes, for the last time I'm sure. I don't know how she found out about you, but I don't think she's a threat."

"If she is, I'll protect you."

"I know." Yugi picked up the puzzle and secured it around his neck. "But I'm sure it won't come to that."

Yugi ran down the stairs and quickly poured a glass of milk.

"Up early again, is everything alright Yugi?" his grandpa said over the newspaper.

"Yes grandpa, just meeting up with a friend." He put the glass in the sink than headed to the door. "Have a good day! Bye!" Yugi ran off before his grandfather had a chance to ask, 'what about Anzu'.

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