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"LUCIOUS! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" The Lyoness screamed out. She had forgotten the pain that came with this gift.

"GOD! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" She whined as tears started to stream down her face.  He wiped them with a towel as he muttered his many apologizes for her pain. Inside he was jumping for joy but, he knew if he showed his excitement she would have his balls. Though as reality set in he was just on the verge of crazy as Cookie.

"Miss Lyon you.."

"It's Mrs." Cookie sneered. Anything could set her off. The tone of her voice visibly shook her nurse.

"Mrs.Lyon I need you to stay calm. Stress isn't good for the baby. Take a couple deep breathes for me hun." A new nurse popped up to help the scared one. She was old and had a motherly glow coming off her. She demonstrated calming breathes but Cookie wasn't having it as another surge of pain rocketed through her.

"I need drugs. Give me drugs please." She begged her tears flowing like a river that's flooding. They were nonstop. Very few many got to see such a distraught Lyoness. She is always the picture of strength. Unlike today, she had no strength to give.

"I'm so sorry Mrs.Lyon it's to late. Now I understand this is your first natural birth...." The nurse started receiving a harsh glare from Cookie. The nurse was unphased and continued to speak.

"..Not by choice I know. It's ok. We're here to help you through and make you the most comfortable we know how. So do it with me. Breathe..."

"Your doing great!" The nurse praised as Cookie's heart rate began to drop. All was well but, then another contraction hit her much faster then the last. The nurse helped her through as Lucious joined in on the breathing Coaching. 

"It'll pass just like the last one." He spoke into her ear. Calming her with his presence so near.  She turned to look him in the eyes. His eyes held so much love and care it warmed her heart. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips assuring her he was here for her. 

"I don't think I can do it. I can't. I can't" She cried grabbing his hand hard. He shushed her and wiped her sweat and tears. He knows she can. The Love of his life, his muse, his other half was anything but weak. She could handle the world on her shoulders and then some. She proved that much over the years she's been out. 

"FUCK..." His Lyoness screamed as the new contraction hit her like a freight train. The Nurses rushed around the room getting things set up. He knew it was almost time.

"That was a big one. It's almost time hun." She stated what was going on. Nurses came in and out of the room fully suited. Lucious was given the delivery attire and ushered into the bathroom.


The boys sat outside listening to the ruckus in the room. Andre and Jamal pondered where the youngest Lyon brother was. They both texted him to come. The fast approaching footsteps caused both boys to look up to see Hakeem running up to them with Bella.

The youngest Lyon had quite the morning. It was 1 in the morning when his phone blew up. It was now 3. Having a kid is no joke. You gotta pack for almost anything when you leave the house. Not to mention little Bella is handful anyways. That little girl fought him tooth and nail to let him strap her in her car seat. Tiana was pulling studio time so he couldn't leave her at home. 

"Shit..What I miss?" He asked through his winded breath. They Brothers laughed assuring him nothing was missed. This would be Hakeems first time watching a sibling be born. Although they were all pretty worried about the fact Cookie had to birth natural. Her labor was moving along fast the newest sibling wanted out now. The labor was going to fast to be honest. Cookie couldn't get epidural. 


The sudden scream woke a sleeping Bella up. She looked around frightened. The boys could practically hear the pain there mom was in. Seconds later the door was opened. Several nurses rushed outthe room. Bringing things in and out the room. One of the nurses held the door open for a Docter and baby scale to be let in. 

They saw their father all dressed in the hospital attire holding their crying mom's hand. He looked up to catch his son's gazes. Giving them a soft smile as they gave him thumbs up and mouthed.

"You got this."

The door shut after that. Hakeem rocked Bella back to sleep. The one and half year old little girl would most definitely be cranky later. Jamal greeted an excited Tiana as she brought all kinds of gifts to the waiting area outside. Andre talking to his girlfriend on the phone all was well for a few minutes. Well that was untill the screams of their mother came through the walls full force now. The glanced at eachother they knew it was time.


"GET OUT! I HATE YOU." We couldn't help but laugh we all knew that was a lie. She used to but now they couldn't be better.

"Where are you going? Come back Lu." Their mother now cried out. Everyone was now laughing their asses of outside. They could faintly hear the Docter telling their mom to push. It was followed by a few screams then another push command with more screams. A few more push commands later the high pitch cry of a baby rung through the room. 

That baby had a set of lungs on it. Relief washed over the group who now sat patiently waiting for the visitation to start.


Lucious gazed lovingly at Cookie wiping the sweat off her face. She layed exhausted as they placed the baby on her chest. Lucious cut the cord and the Docter gave his congratulations.  The Nurses took the baby to across the room for the checkup and stuff. The two lovers looked into each others eyes. They were both thinking the same thing.

 Neither one of them thought they would be in this position over a year and a half ago. The duo never would have saw this comming. Not to say they had a problem with this anyways. Its been a long bumpy road. They were both just glad to be at their destination.

 They were both just glad to be at their destination

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Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter will be official. I'm working on it now. We will rewind time so you guys can see the journey they took to get there. Give me your thoughts. I'm excited for this story. I hope your are to.

xxZenoxx 💋

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