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"I like to watch you from afar."

When the doors screech open he's the first one out. Breathing the warmth of the midnight air. He could almost taste the moist of pass rain.

He lived only a few blocks from the bus stop. A hop and skip away if you will. The street lights illuminated the grass as he took the normal shortcut.

Down the sidewalk, through the grass, and across the abandoned parking lot. He took his time as he moved, staring down at his shoes as he walked.

The wind blew harshly around him. Trees tilted by the force as he stepped on the cracked asphalt. The parking lot was huge, used to be a preschool before it ran out of business.

The blond hummed along to a random song as he avoided the many cracks. He was so focused on not falling into the deeper ones that he tripped over a rock.


He stood up, dusting off his hands before he continued his journey. As he reached a layer of the fenced gate a sharp intake made him freeze.

His eyes landed on a boy-man. He was taller, broad shoulders, heavenly built. He was leaning against the edge of the fence, one had held a cigarette between his fingers while the other was rubbing circles in the front of his pants.

Full lips and a structured face made Namjoon close his mouth. Whatever, this man was doing was absolutely none of his business and it was rude for watching.

He snapped out of his trance and proceded to walk away. He didn't get far when the man called out to him. "I like to watch you from afar."

Namjoon didn't stop though, feeling his feet react with his brain screaming 'stranger danger.' He was twenty years old but the rule was still fresh. Holding onto his backpack tighter he broke out into a jog.

The sounds of footsteps behind him quickened until he was fully running. Not much physical actives meant his running was cut short, bending over to breath heavily.

He squeezed his eyes shut mumbling a quiet please be gone. When he opened his eyes and looked around the man was gone. Far away he hoped.

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