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'You plan to fight an AI with an AI?' Kas asked.

Rhaspa nodded. 'The Intelligence is not invincible. The very fact that it has existed for so long unchallenged may well be its weakness. Every life form that has ever existed has at some point had to fight for its survival. Animals and plants have earned their place in their ecosystems by overcoming millennia of plagues and predators and natural disasters. The weak die so that the strong may rise. That is how life is.

'But to the best of our knowledge, the Intelligence has not had to face such a trial. It has never needed to develop its defences as it has never encountered a serious threat. How can it when nothing knows it even exists? Swanne's virus proved that they can be infected, but unlike us, she had no idea what she was doing. The Federation wiped out Selva before the X1 virus could spread any further, but we won't make that mistake. We are a threat, and pretty soon, the Intelligence will know just how much.'

'So that's your plan? You're going to create another virus?'

'That's our hope, yes. And now we have Astrid, we finally have something capable of doing it.'

Kas didn't know what to say. Part of her wished she really was still in the MI console so that she could pretend none of this was real. Losing her mind seemed kinder than whatever hell this was.

'Does Astrid know about this?' she asked.

'She knows,' Mack said. 'She's already downloaded herself into our base's mainframe. She currently poring over all the research we've gathered on the Federation looking for anything that can help her create a new virus.'

'And how do you intend to administer this virus, assuming Astrid can actually make it?'

Mack looked at Rhaspa then as if wondering how much more he should say. It was Rhaspa who replied.

'There's no use in pretending that part will be easy. We will only get one chance. If we fail, the Federation will realise we know their secret and retaliate. If the virus is going to be successful, it will need to strike hard and fast at the Intelligence's home. It will need to strike directly in Kiko.'

Kas couldn't believe what she was hearing. 'That's impossible,' she said. 'Even under normal conditions, the Federation doesn't let anyone into Kiko. Our IRIS is closed. Nobody can even leave the solar system.'

'We are aware of the obstacles.'

'So what do you plan to do about it?'

'Our plans are still being formulated.'

Kas laughed. 'In other words, you don't have a damned clue?!'

Nobody replied. Kas glanced around and saw everyone but Rhaspa looking back at her. She put her hands on her knees and pushed herself back onto her feet so she was standing.

'I think it's time I left,' she said. Rhaspa made a face like he'd just been stung.

'You still want to go? Even after all we'd told you?'

'Especially after all you've told me. I'm no use to you. I wish you all the best and all, but if you fail and the Federation or the Intelligence or whoever comes looking for you, I'm sure as hell not going to be here when they do. I'm not going to tell anyone about you or this place if that's what you're worried about.'

Rhaspa sighed. 'Well, it sounds like you've made up your mind. I suppose we will have to let you go.'

'It's a mistake,' Sudds said, earning a glare from Kas.

'Your disagreement has already been noted. How soon can you arrange for Kas to be transported, Captain?'

Mack stroked his beard and gave a small shrug. 'Tonight.'

'Would that be satisfactory to you?'

Kas looked at Rhaspa and realised he was talking to her. 'It would,' she said.

'What about Worm?' Mack asked. Kas turned to Worm and saw her standing directly between herself and Mack, staring at the silver box.

'What do you want to do, kid?' she asked her. 'You can either come with me or you can stay here. It's up to you.'

Worm pouted as she rocked back and forth on her heels. She then turned and shuffled towards Captain Mack and stopped by his side. Kas felt a stab of disappointment, but she knew it was probably for the best.

'Smart kid,' Sudds said.

You have no idea, Kas thought.

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