Chapter Thirteen: Marry Me?

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Just A Game [Teenlock]

Chapter Thirteen: Marry Me?


"Ah! Hello Harper! How's my lovely brother treating you?"

Sherlock's tone was all too pleased with himself, smirk only growing when Greg's face grew a dark red. The younger Holmes chuckles and winks at him, causing the blushing boy to grit his teeth.

Molly frowns from her seat across from Sherlock. "Um, Sherlock, his name is Greg"

"I know" Sherlock nods. "Greg Harper Lestrade"


"No, I haven't seen my brother nor do I know where he's gone"


"That's a rather stupid question, even for you, Harper" Sherlock tutts.

Molly and John exchange a look, as if asking why the hell Sherlock was being so bitchy.

Mycroft approaches then, his arms snaking around Greg's waist and his chin resting on his boyfriend's shoulder. Greg shoulders relax noticeably and he sinks into the embrace, a smile spreading over his lips.

Sherlock scoffs, bad moon evident once again as he glares at the table before him. John slides over a seat and places a hand on Sherlock's arm, raising an eyebrow. In response, Sherlock's tugs his arm away.

"Where have you been?" Greg asks, tone only showing fondness for the boy behind him.

"Oh, a certain teacher called me in to speak about Sherlock, here" Mycroft's eyes settle on his brother. "They think that for some reason I can get through to him about his.. habits"

That peeks Molly interests, John notes. She looks up, almost as if she were doing an impression of a meerkat, and looks at Sherlock with disapproving eyes.

It's moments like these that John realises just how new he is to the group. They'd been through a lot together. Things they didn't talk about because it was obviously more than 'typical' teen problems like relationship going sour. From what John had gathered something bad happened to Sherlock and Molly, somehow, got him out.

That girl is definitely as angel put on Earth to protect teenage boys from the idiotic decisions. 

Sherlock snorts, ignoring the look from Molly.  "Oh please, you spat a few choice phases at the lying cow too"

Mycroft hums, no longer interested as he kisses Greg's cheek. The couple were about to to leave when a girl wondered up to the table and sat beside Sherlock.

A glance around told Sherlock that none of them knew her.

She picks up the apple Sherlock had been rolling and takes a bite, eyes fixed on him. Her brown hair is flipped over her shoulder as she leans towards Sherlock, chin in her hand.

"I'm leaving" She speaks after swallowing, placing the apple down by his hand again.

Sherlock frowns at those words before smirking and raising a hand to her cheek. "But I haven't thanked you"

Janine scoffs and straightens, pulling away from Sherlock's touch.

"We shagged, I helped you and now I'm done with you" Even she can't stop the smirk from spreading over her lips.

Oh, this girl was after his heart, Sherlock was sure. Sherlock wondered briefly if her mind actually worked that way. Usually he hated simple minds but Janine seemed so content with herself, it must be nice to be simple and content.

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