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Lauren's pov

As soon as I heard my name, I ran as fast as I could, pulling out my car keys and sticking them into the key hole. My mind was full of questions. Where and when did she get here? I just don't understand.

As soon as I got home, I ran straight into my room and buried my head onto my pillow. I need to tell someone. Since me and Lucy haven't spoken, I can't talk to her about this yet. The last person I can really talk to is Ally so I called her and thankfully she picked up on the first ring.

"Omg hey Lauren," she says cheerfully.

As soon as she finished talking, I got straight to the point. "Ally we need to talk."

"Wow, nice way of starting a conversation," she murmured.

I rolled my eyes. "Hello Ally," I sighed with a sarcastic tone.

"Much better, so what's up?"

I took a deep breath before answering. My palms were sweating and I just don't know why. "Okay, you have to believe me. So today I was at a strip club with TY."

"Ewww," she blurt out, "that's it?"

"No, shut up Ally," I rolled my eyes knowing that she was too innocent to know this. "Well, I saw Camila," I swallowed my breath ready for Ally's reaction.

Suddenly, I heard laughter across the line. "What?"

"Good one Lauren," she giggled.

"I'm actually being serious, now what do I do?" I questioned.

"Lauren that's extremely hard to believe, but whatever, I'll go along with it." At this point I really regret telling Ally about this.

"Nevermind, I'll talk to you next time," I lost hope, knowing she's just not the right person to deal with these kind of situations.

"No tell me," she begged.

"Ally it's fine, I'll see you some other day, bye." I hung up without hearing her response, I feel kind of bad so I just texted her sorry.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Then a thought crossed through my mind. Where's my purse? Fuck, I must have left it at the strip club.

Camila's pov

Was that really Lauren? Because if it was I knew she'd still be here. I don't know if she saw me, but once I called her, she just ran off.

"I have your purse!" I shouted.

I looked through her purse and was luckily enough to find her address written on one of the pockets. Maybe this was my chance to talk to her. Would she have forgiven me at this point?

Now that I'm free and Austin isn't here to control me, I decided to go see her.

As soon as I got to Lauren's house, my smile grew wide. It hasn't changed one bit since I've left. My anxiety increases, making my palms sweat.

I feel like she's over me, but it's okay, I'm just giving back her purse. That's all.

Lauren's pov

"Ugh, do I really have to get out of bed?"

People hardly come to my house, so it's very rare to hear my doorbell ring.

I look through the peephole to see who it was and my heart suddenly drops.

"Why the fuck is Camila here?" I whisper.

She rings the doorbell again. Now what do I do? How am I going to react?

"Lauren, are you in there?" she says quietly.

I decide to wait and watch what she does next. Honestly, I have no idea why I'm still here. She stands there for about 5 minutes or so, and then walks off with her head hanging.

What am I supposed to do at this point? I know I can't just open the door and make it seem like everything is normal. But I do need my purse back anyway, so I might as well give it a try.

I swung open the door and just stood there.

"C-Camila," I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to hide the nerves.

Her head swifts around as soon as she hears my voice.

"Hey," she smiles.

We stare at each other for a moment. She then breaks the silence and stumbles over her words. "Oh, I-I was, uh... going to um... give this back to you."

She walks towards my direction, not giving me any eye contact. "Here."


"Well, I gotta head off now," giving me a sad smile.

I close the door behind me, sliding the back of my body down it, and just sit there with my arms wrapped around my knees and my head buried in.

how are you enjoying it so far? xo

Will you marry me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora