Chapter Fifteen: I Love a Rainy Night

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                “Hey, so I was thinking you and Elle could come over around nine tonight? We would watch some movies and stuff.” Luke rambles over the phone. Butterflies fill my stomach as I hold the phone closer to my ears.

                “Yeah, sure. Why do you want Elle to come?” I can’t help but feel jealous that he doesn’t want to spend time with only me. I mean we haven’t really been on dates outside of ballet. I was hoping tonight him and I could just relax and watch movies…alone.

                “Well, Dylan is going to come over too. I figured it could be like a double date.” Luke clears his throat, but when it comes through the phone it sounds like a muffled snort.

                “Wait. I thought you didn’t like Dylan?”

                “Well, I didn’t like that he disrespected you by slapping your butt that one time. We talked it over and now that he’s got a girl of his own, it’s no big deal.” He says casually.

                “Okay, well I’ll see you then.” I hang up as my smile gets wider and wider thinking about what will happen tonight. Hopefully we can watch a cute romance movie and eat some popcorn. I can’t wait.


“Wait, we’re watching a horror movie?” I say with a disappointed look on my face. Elle and I got to Luke’s dorm about ten minutes ago. We finished a quick and fun game of apples to apples which I skillfully won.

“Yeah, what did you expect?” Dylan says. “Are you scared or something?” Dylan nudges my shoulder and Elle sends him a glare full of envy.

“No, I-I’m  uh not scared at all.” I stutter. Truth it I’m deathly afraid of horror movies. I’ve only watched one and that was plenty enough for me. After Insidious I could barely go to the bathroom by myself. Elle, on the other hand, loved horror movies. She was the one always pressing to watch some bloody horror movie at all of her sleepovers.

“Kayla, chill. It’s not scary.” Luke says wrapping his arm around my waist. His warmth sends shock waves of comfort through my body. Elle grabs the popcorn with extra butter out of the microwave and puts it into two bowls. She hands one bowl to me and whispers something to me.

“Don’t be scared, Kayla. It’s fine.” She hands the other bowl to Dylan as we all make our way over to the couch in front of the TV. The couch is rather comfortable and inviting with its warm black leather. Luke sits down next to me and interlocks his fingers with mine. Dylan runs over and flicks the lights off sending shivers up and down my body. Luke squeezes my hand and gently kisses me on the cheek as an act of comfort, then grabs the remote and presses play.


                It’s halfway through the movie and, surprisingly it’s not that scary. It’s about a boy and a girl who escape for the night to go to an abandoned house. Of course, they sleep together and later fall asleep in the old abandoned bed. The girl wakes up hearing rain and out of fear snuggles closer to the boy. He doesn’t respond or wake up, so she shakes him violently. She lifts the covers to reveal his bloody and scratched up body. The terrified girl gets out of the bed and tries to run away, but can’t escape. Behind her there is a clap of thunder and lightning. The flash reveals a huge man with a dripping dagger. Of course me being me I scream as loud as I can and Elle cracks up in laughter.

                “This is so cheesy. I can’t believe it!” she giggles. Dylan leans in and begins to make out with her, and by then Luke and I know we’ve both lost Elle and Dylan for the night.

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