Chapter Fourteen: Ballet Abroad...

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Luke’s POV

                “Don’t you ever lay another hand on her again or else I’ll send you straight to the emergency room!” I screamed getting right in Lena’s face. Her sky blue eyes showed aggravation.

                “Oh please, you don’t scare me the slightest bit. You won’t hurt me, because if you do I’ll make sure everyone knows it including the people who awarded you your scholarship here.” She scoffs and walks off as her red pumps click against the marble flooring. She leaves me in complete shock. No one knows about my scholarship except my parents and the teachers. I didn’t want anyone to know because I don’t like attention. I don’t want people to envy me or try to sabotage me. With the amount of conniving bitches at this school I’m better off without anyone knowing I was accepted here with full scholarship.

                The thoughts of people knowing about my scholarship reminds me of next year. Everyone here was only accepted for the summer program that means there’s no guaranteeing that any of us will get a contract with the company. After all, that’s why we’re all here. To get our name out before the end of the summer when new contracts are handed out. At the end of the summer program there is always a showcase consisting of several pieces that we learned over the summer. Normally by now the students know what they are performing, but no one seems to have any insight of what’s happening. It concerns me that maybe we won’t do a show and I won’t have the chance to show my skill to the company directors.

                A tap on the shoulder breaks my train of thought. Luckily it’s only Mrs. Tina walking to her next class.

                “What are you doing standing here, Luke. Do we have a problem?” she asks raising her eyebrows.

                “No ma’am.” I say respectfully “I was just wondering if we are doing a showcase at the end of the summer. I mean, I would hate to not have a chance to show my talent to the directors.”

                “Ah, yes. Don’t worry about that dear. All of the teachers and professors are going to gather the students today to deliver some exciting news about the showcase this year. I believe the meeting is at twelve o clock in the courtyard.” She says walking down the long hallway echoed with classical music.

                “Thank you!” I yell after her.


Kayla’s POV

                I wiggle the silver door handle to my dorm room as I try to get the key to work. Suddenly, the door opens and I’m greeted by a head of long brown hair and a pair of rolling eyes….Natalie.

                “Do you know how to work a door?” she says sarcastically. I ignore her comment and push my way past her only to find a visitor sitting comfortably on Natalie’s bed.

                “Lena, what are you doing here?” I sigh “You know, this is my dorm room too and I deserve privacy!”

                My only responses from both of them are snotty giggles and scoffs. Before anyone can say more Elle barges in the door with a look of anxiousness in her eyes. Ignoring Natalie and Lena, Elle grabs my wrist in an attempt to drag me out of the door.

                “Um, Elle. What are you doing?” I ask trying to free my wrist from her strong gripping hand.

                “Ummm are you deaf? They just called over the loud speaker for all the students, teachers, and professors to go to the courtyard for a meeting!” She squeals pulling me harder.

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