Chapter One: The Duet

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               “Kayla! feet!” I grimaced in pain as I pointed my foot harder than I ever have in my life. This is my life. Going to ballet every day, getting screamed at, crying because of the pain; mental and physical, and blasting through new pointes every day. I love it.

                I stumble all the way to my dorm room. I can barely walk because the pain is so bad. I just finished a paux de deau class. My partner’s name is Luke and I can only describe him in one word, gorgeous. He has blonde hair that’s cut to a medium length. I never really liked it when boys had ridiculously long hair or buzz cuts. I like it medium. Just like his. He has clear blue eyes. When he looks at you you can tell exactly what emotion he has. He’s one of those people you can see right through. I guess the eyes really are the window to the soul. In my opinion we are perfect for each other….partner wise. We will never be in a relationship. He’s just too good for me.

                In two days Luke and I have to come up with a beautiful piece of classical ballet that consists of many lifts.  I have about an hour to rest before I meet him in the studio. Just as I walk into my dorm room I’m not surprised to see a naked guy all over my roommate Natalie.

                “Gross! You know this is my room too!” I shriek trying to cover my eyes. He smiles into their kiss before putting boxers on and trotting out the door. Natalie sits up and I’m not surprised to see she doesn’t have a shirt on.

                “Come on Kay you know that wasn’t cool.” She groans flopping down on her bed causing the springs to squeak.

                “You know what’s not cool? You having sex in our room!” I retort putting emphasis on the “our” I step in the bathroom slamming the door not even giving her a chance to respond. Natalie and I always fight. She’s one level higher and one year older than me. She has long brown hair and brown eyes. She’s an average size girl which separates her from me: I’m stick thin. Everyone thinks she’s amazing and I honestly don’t see what all the fuss is about. I mean she’s good, but she’s not utterly amazing.

                I begin to scrub my face clean of all the dirt and sweat that’s been building up in my pores. I want to make sure I look perfect when I see Luke. I begin putting my foundation, then concealer followed by powder. When my skin looks flawless I apply a generous amount of mascara and eos lip balm. Next I put my long blonde hair into a perfect bun that looks like a spiral. I finish with hairspray. I open the door slowly peeking my head out to make sure that dude didn’t come back. Once I realize the coasts clear I change into a royal blue leotard. It always did something for my hazel eyes. I put on some shorts and legwarmers, grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

                I walk in to find Luke stretching on the barre.

                “Hey. Are you ready to start?” He says with absolutely no emotion.

                “Yeah of course. I’m already warm.” I say with a small smile. I walk over to the corner of the room, set my stuff down, and take my legwarmers and shorts off. I feel naked without them. “ So have you thought of any ideas for the duet?” I ask looking him straight in the eyes.

                “The obvious choice is a love story.” He says chuckling while running his hands through his hair. Oh gosh he’s perfect.

                “Are you trying to tell me something, Luke?” I say with a suspicious look while giggling.

                “You wish Kayla..” he says winking. “Okay now seriously let's work on this duet.”


EEK okay I'm so excited this part of the story has been sitting in my private works for almost 2 months. I'm so excited to finally share it with everyone! Hope you enjoyed and on the side is Kayla in Paux de deau class today :)

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