Chapter Nine: The Man Slut

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                “Elle, you really need more energy. This is supposed to be a happy piece. You look like you’re moping around the school hallways.” I correct. Luke and I decided to stay and watch Elle and Dylan’s rehearsal. There’s a bit of tension in the air. It’s not surprising considering what happened with Dylan and Natalie earlier today. Elle takes what I said into consideration before asking Luke what he thought of the dance.

                “It was good.” Luke mumbles while glaring at Dylan. Dylan’s eyes turn a sharp shade of dark brown while he scoffs at Luke.

                “You know Luke, why are you always trying to bring Elle down?” Dylan says while putting his arm protectively around Elle. Elle shakes his arm off of her and backs up a bit.

                “You know what Dylan? I’m sick and tired of this act of yours. You at like you’re a nice guy, but really you’re a man slut!” I yell. Everyone in the room chuckles at the word man slut. “I mean it Dylan! You smack my butt and make out with Natalie! What’s next, feeling up Elle? I swear to god stop acting like you like Elle because you don’t! All you want to do is hook up with her and I won’t let that happen. In fact, you won’t touch a hair on her pretty little head!” I scream with anger while standing up. I push Elle behind me and stand face to face with Dylan. My head is pounding with anger and I feel like I could throw a car.

                “Come one step closer to me princess. See what happens.” He snorts while doing that arrogant smirk of his. I feel my fists clench in anger and just as I’m about to slap him across the face I feel people pulling me back.

                “Shhhh. Kayla, it’s okay. Calm down.” Luke whispers into my ears. “I got her. Let go.” He says to Elle who’s holding me back from viciously clawing Dylan’s eyes out. Dylan pulls me all the way outside of the studio and sits me down on the bench in the hallway.

                “Dang Kayla.” Luke chuckles. “Remind me never to make you angry!” he chuckles while holding his hands up in defense.

                “I just can’t believe him! What a jerk!” I say through clenched teeth. I can’t believe what a jerk he is. I know all he wants to do is hook up with Elle he just won’t admit it. In the distance I hear Elle screaming at Dylan for being rude to me. I mean she doesn’t have to do that. If anyone was rude, it was me.

                “Just calm down we all know he’s a man slut.” Luke says smiling. He picks up a piece of my hair and twirls it around his finger. “Why don’t you curl you’re hair?” he says goofily.

                “I don’t know. It’s always in a bun anyway.” I say while snatching my hair back.

                “Let’s take a walk.” Luke says while grabbing my hand. He pulls me up and interlocks his warm fingers with my cold ones. “Geez your hands are cold!” He says while taking it between his and rubbing back and forth.

                “Let’s just go!” I say whining. “Can we change first?” I ask pouting. Luke has never actually seen me in actual clothes or with my hair down.

                “Fine.” He says with a sigh. I drag Luke up to my dorm room and I’m surprised to see that Natalies…alone….in her bed! Wow, is she sick or something?

                “Hey, who are you?” Natalie says while waving flirtatiously.

                “Don’t even bother Natalie. Luke’s my date not yours.” I say while smiling to irritate her. She scowls in response and returns to reading her magazine. I instruct Luke to sit on my bed while I change in the bathroom. I pick out a blue and orange chevron dress. To accessorize I reach for my blue purse, black leather sandals, and a chunky necklace that I got on sale from Urban outfitters. I pull my hair out of my bun and decide to curl it since Luke was wondering about curled hair. I apply some light brown eye shadow to my crease and two coats of my favorite mascara. I don’t put on any lip products because I’m hoping to get some kissing action *wink wink*.

                I walk out of the bathroom and do a little twirl for Luke. His mouth drops in amazement. He gets up and interlocks his arm with mine as we walk out the door. As soon as the door shuts I’m surprised to find Luke’s lips on mine as he tenderly kisses me.

                “I didn’t want to do that in front of Natalie.” He says while pulling away.

“You’re cute. Have you seen the things she does in front of me?” I say grabbing him but his shirt and putting my lips on his. For the first time I actually kiss him, not the other way around. The sparks intensify as he smiles into the kiss and finally pulls away.

                “Let’s go.” He says with excitement in his eyes.

                “Let’s!” I say with enthusiasm. Luke and I walk around central park for about an hour just talking and enjoying the sunset. We’re sitting on a bench talking about scholarships when I see a familiar face. “Oh my gosh.  It’s Lena!” I say nudging Luke on the arm.

                “What?” he questions while squinting trying to see her. “Who’s Lena?” he asks poking me in the arm.

                “I met her on the bus ride here. She’s from Malibu. You know her. She’s in Saturday morning’s class.” I remind him. “Who’s that?” I say aloud as a tall boy with brown hair approaches her.

                “Dude. It’s Dylan!” Luke says loudly.

                “Shut up!” I yell whisper while smacking his arm. I get up and practically yank Luke behind a tree so we can eavesdrop on the two. “EWWW!” I yelp as Dylan leans in to kiss her. Luke falls on the floor with laughter, but I quickly yank him up by his arm. “Dude! Could YOU be any louder?” I say while smacking his arm once again in the same spot.

                “Oww!” he yelps rubbing his arm. “Why are they kissing..” he says while pretend gagging.

                “Lena knew that Elle liked Dylan. Why would she do that to her? What a backstabber!” I say stomping my foot. Suddenly Lena pulls away from Dylan and spots Luke and I behind the tree. Shit Shit Shit. I think to myself as she drags Dylan over to where Luke and I are.

                “Hi, Kayla” she snorts putting emphasis on my name.

                “Hi…” I say with an unpleasant grimace.


Yay so I finally updated. I can't believe I have 180 reads. I know it's not a lot to some, but to me it's a big deal. I have a new cover and I'm not sure if I like it. Let me know if you do. I tried to make this chapter a bit longer, so that's why I didn't update last week. On the side is Kayla's outfit. Thanks for reading!

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