Chapter Eleven: Splendid

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No, Mrs. Tina. You don’t understand! Someone pushed me.” I’ve been trying to argue my side of the story to Mrs. Tina for half an hour. For some reason she thinks I was on the floor fooling around. Her bright green eyes search mine for the truth. It’s almost like she can sense my nervousness and tension. I nervously look down and tap my foot causing my whole body to shake. Mrs. Tina gently gently touches my hand as an act of sympathy.

                “Alright. I believe you, Kayla. However, we need to find out who pushed you, okay? I don’t remember who was standing behind you that day so I’ll have to look through the security tapes.” She says stacking her papers in a neat fashion. A sigh of relief slips out of me as I get out of the rock hard chair in her cold and intimidating office.

                “Yes. I know we’ll get to the bottom of this.” I smile a reassuring one and casually stroll out of her office. It feels great that I got the conflict resolved with Mrs. Tina. It’s like a million pounds were lifted off of my chest. I know that we have to find out who pushed me or else everyone will think I really was fooling around. Today is Saturday which means Luke and I have to present our duet for our class assignment. I can’t help, but feel nervous when thinking about it and the whole situation with Dylan and Lena isn’t helping.

                I make my way to my dorm room so I can get ready for the nerve-wracking performance I’m about to deliver. It’s no surprise to find Natalie talking on the phone. Lately that’s been her new thing. She’ll stay awake until 2:00 in the morning talking to guys she hardly even knows. I almost want to tell her that’s dangerous, but then again she probably doesn’t care.

                I flop down on my bed and let out a sigh that I’ve been holding in for the whole morning. My class doesn’t start for about an hour, so I decide to take a small nap. Just as I’m drifting off into a deep slumber, I hear a few loud knocks on the door. I shove my pillow into my face, expecting one of Natalie’s “boyfriends” to come in. Instead I’m greated by a few girly giggles and sky blue eyes. Elle walks over to my bed, her red curls bouncing up and down with every step.

                “Hey!” she sits down on my bed making a depression toward the end of the bed.

                “What are you so happy about?” I retort with an attitude.

                “Gosh, Kayla. What crawled up your butt?” She giggles while flicking the tip of my nose.

                “OW!” I shriek. “You know, I was trying to take a nap!” I snap at her while rubbing my nose.

                “Okay anyway, what happened with Dylan and Lena?” Her anxious blue eyes search my hazel ones for answers. I’m almost reluctant to tell her about what happened with Lena and Dylan. I mean I wouldn’t want her to get her feelings hurt.  “Hello, Kayla?”

                “Oh, um right.” I smile nervously. “Well, I was at central park with Luke and we saw Lena there. So, um she kinda was there with…Dylan.” I gulp with nervousness.

                “and then….” She says while her clamy hands fold together.

                “So, we were talking, and uh. And I kind of let it slip that…”

                “Tell me!” She shrieks out of nervousness. I can see a bead of sweat forming right below her thin red hair line.

                “I let it slip that you like Dylan.” I say in a voice so quiet you can barely hear. A look of shock and uncertainty covers her whole face. Her eyes water and turn a shade of sharp blue. She breaks the eye contact by looking down. Just then the smallest tear I’ve ever seen falls from her face and lands on her hand. She slowly gets off of my bed and walks out of my room.

                “Elle, I can explain…” I say so quietly that it’s almost like I’m talking to myself. I hear her door shut quietly at the end of the hallway.

                “Oops.” Natalie says with a snicker.


                “So as you all know, I extended the deadline from two days to one week. You’ve had plenty of time to come up with a duet with your assigned partner.” The ballet professor says while shuffling papers around on his clipboard. I scan the room nervously looking for Elle and Dylan. After my last encounter with Elle, she may not even come to class today. I find them in the back of the room awkwardly standing there without talking. “So, Elle and Dylan will go first.” The whole class backs up and sits in front of the class room leaving Dylan and Elle awkwardly standing there. “Tell us what your assignment was and a little bit about your piece.” The professor repeats while taking the CD from Dylan with their music on it.

                “Well” Dylan says clearing his throat. “We were assigned a fast paced duet. It’s about two friends seeing each other after a long time.” He says motioning his hands.

                “The music that we were assigned was rather chirpy, and cute. It almost reminded me of something a little girl would dance to.” Elle says nervously.

                “Very well, why don’t you show us.” Both Elle and Dylan nod nervously as they get into their starting position. The fast paced music erupts from the sterio and elle puts on her best smile as she runs to the center. From there, the duet just keeps getting better and better. The two work together like they’ve known each other for years. Elle looks so cute up there doing lots of expert jumps. The two finally finish in a position with their arms wraped around each other smiling. The whole class including the professor erupts in applause as the two take their bows.

                “That was absolutely splendid!” The professor shouts. Elle and Dylan interlock their hands together and go to sit down. “Will Luke and Kayla please come to the stage?”


Okay guys, so I finally got this chapter up. Lately I haven't been too sure about where this story is going. I feel like the plot line needs to be more defined. I might take a break from this story for a little while to get my thoughts together. Anyway, I hope I created a picture of what Elle and Dylan look like up there. It's supposed to be a very cute routine about two best friends and I hope you can imagine it. Elle and Dylan's music is in the video on the side. I would love if you guys watched the WHOLE thing because it really gives you a great image of Elle and Dylan dancing! Thanks for reading!

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