Start From Zero | Hyungwon | Monsta X

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| W | A | R | N | I | N | G |: mention of abuse, scars ( not self inflicted) 

-sobs- my lord he looks perfect-

not a song fic lol, just named it after their song from zero i was listening to it while trying to come up with a title so i was like stuff it we'll name it that!  

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"OH MY GOD ITS HYUNGWON! OMG!!" you squealed as you stared at the star singer from Monstax.

You had been walking in the park, taking a break from your studies which were getting more stressful the older you got.

You had walked past Hyungwon ,who had been sitting on a bench, trying not to draw any attention to himself and eat his vanilla flavoured ice cream.

You made sure your face-mask and hoodie were in place and continued fangirling. 

He also happened to be your bias.

He froze, his tongue out, about to lick the ice cream. 

He closed his eyes and you saw him groan. You grinned more. 

"OMG CAN I PLEASE HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH!" you screamed and ran to him, jumping onto the bench and then sitting down next to him.

He panicked and dropped his ice cream on you. 

"AH SHOOT!" you squealed even more. 

People, passing by started staring at you. 

You just grinned at him. 

After all, it was Hyungwon you were sitting next to. 

"Im so sorry!" he said exasperated. 

He didn't look happy. 

"Im sorry about you ice-cream.." you mumbled and he sighed as he picked up the cone from your lap. 

He took out some napkins and went to wipe then on your thighs. 

Your eyes widened. 

Was this really happening? 

You suddenly pulled down you hoodie and face-mask and grinned at you best-friend. 

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped and then closed forming a straight, thin line. 

"I hate you so much Y/N!" he mumbled, throwing the napkins on you. 

"Nahh you love meh!" you laughed and snatched up the napkins and cleaned yourself. 

He ignored you and looked away. 

"Like my scarf?" you said throwing your red scarf at him. It was one Hyungwon had given to you on your birthday. It had been the first of many gifts, so you  had worn it everywhere you went. 

It meant everything to you. 

To hold something the man you loved had given yo you.

"I was trying to have some peaceful and relaxing time Y/N!" he exclaimed,ignoring the scarf on his lap as he  starting to notice the other girls creeping on him. 

"Shoot-" you said as you watched a crowd slowly appearing. 

Some squeals and scream's were heard. 

Suddenly, a lot of girls appeared out of nowhere squealing and begging Hyungwon to kiss them or date them. 

Your heart suddenly clenched and you stared at them all. 

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