Chapter 24

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A little while after I told Alex that I thought I was pregnant, we went to the pack doctor.

"Brynn! Come here!" Alex calls to the doctor.

Brynn walks over to us and leads me into the room as if she already knew what was going on, pushing Alex out as he tried to follow inside.

"So.. what's going on?" She asks as she sits down.

"I think I'm pregnant, but I'm not sure."

"I'll take a few tests to see for sure." Brynn stands up and begins the tests.

*a little while later*

"I'm back with the results, would you like to know?" She asks kindly as she brings her chair over to sit in front of me.

I nod, a bit nervous but I could feel Luna jumping around like a maniac.

"The tests came back positive." She hands me the papers and I look over them before giving them back. I start crying tears of happiness and run out of the room and into Alex's arms.

"Are you okay??" He asks, worried by my state.

"I'm pregnant." I say and I could feel the happiness radiating off of him.

I run off downstairs and yell, "I'm pregnant!" Because for 1) I'm weird and 2) I was in the moment.

Everyone cheered except I didn't see Autumn or Jasper anywhere in sight. I walked outside and Jasper was fully shifted, his eyes red and his sharp teeth bared.

He lunged at Autumn and she fell, I saw the blood and new she was either dead or dying. I ran out there and shielded her body with mine.

"Enough!" I roar as Luna keeps clawing to get out.

He lunges for me and I shift quickly, darting out of the way. Before I could attack I heard a yelp from him and he fell. I caught sight of a woman with a bow and a sheath of arrows on her back.

She had a short blonde bob, her face was freckled, and she had a small button nose, round pink lips, and rosy cheeks and hazel eyes. Her body type was slim and fit and she was short. To be honest, she looked familiar.

I didn't know who or what she was at the moment and I backed up, baring my teeth slightly.

She puts the bow down and raises her hands in surrender, "I'm not going to hurt you. Do you not remember me? I'm Nicole, you met me one day when you were out running."

I recall that day and shift back. "Oh my gosh, Nicole! I missed you so much!" I run over and give her a hug. If you want to know, Nicole is an owl shifter, a white owl to be exact.

Nicole pulls away from the hug. " are things going? I see you're in a pack territory." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"I-" Before I can even say a sentence, Alex runs out and pushes me behind him as he faces Nicole.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my land?" He demands.

"I'm Nicole, a friend of Ashley. I'm here because I heard some fighting and came over to see what was going on. I actually killed someone, sorry about that, but he was about to hurt Ashley seeing as he already killed his mate." She motions to Jasper and Autumn.

Alex seems angry, yet relieved and he goes over to take the bodies away.

Hopefully to bury them. Luna says and I laugh.

"Well since you're here, I could introduce you to everyone." I say to Nicole and she nods, following me as I head into the house.

**Several Introductions Later**

"ASHLEY'S PREGNANT!" I hear Sky screaming from the kitchen for probably no apparent reason.

Nicole turns to me. "Really?" She asks and I nod. "Congratulations!" She smiles.

"Thank you."

**Later that day//Night**

We all decide to watch a movie as Nicole was going to stay with us. We were watching Pitch Perfect since we needed a change in genre.

Like always, I fall asleep I'm near the middle of the movie.

**Fast Forward To Several Months Later**

I'm close to my due date and I've still yet to have a baby shower, but I plan everything at the last minute so it'll be fine.

Nicole was still staying with us and me and her have become closer and she's also become close with Sky as well.

I mind-link everyone and tell them that I'm having the baby shower today (mainly because I'm bored and need something to do).

**Later that day**

Everyone was now here and I had started opening presents. It took me forever because there were just so many, but I soon got them all open.

"Thank you guys so much!" I say to everyone as I put the last of the gifts away.

I stand up, slowly, since I could have the baby any day now.

I go over to Alex and hug him, but at that exact same moment my water broke.

"I'm having the baby." Was all I could say as the pain kicked in.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever, but here's a chapter just for you guys. You're welcome and I hope y'all enjoy!!

Nicole, the new character, is based on someone I gave a chance to have a character in my story DavinMcgee7 //you're welcome and I hope you enjoyed.

I live all of you guys that have supported me and have read my book 😘❤️❤️

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