Chapter 12

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After what felt like forever, Holden finally led me to the exit and opened the door. He somehow managed to get the cuffs off of my wrists as well.

"Thank you." I said as I stepped outside, the cool wind feeling amazing.

"No problem. Hey! Maybe I'll even see you around!" He chuckled and I waved goodbye before shifting and running off.

I notice a person and once I got closer, I noticed it was Austin. I shift back and walk towards him and he notices me.

"Oh look at that! I saved you without doing anything! I'm so talented!" He half-shouts and I punch his arm.

"Wait, so everyone is looking for me?" I ask, kind of confused.

"Well, yeah."

"I was gone for several hours and everyone worries about me... Wow." I say, sarcasm lacing my voice.

"Well... We should probably head off to look for Alexander." He says and shifts.

I shift as well and we run off in some random direction and I can feel Alexander nearby through our bond. I finally notice him and run faster, tackling him to the ground.

He looks confused as I rub my face against his and climb off him. He now realizes that it's me and begins petting my head and scratching behind my ears.

Luna let's put a purr.

Once he stops petting me, I shift back.

"Woah, dude! How's it going, dude!" I say in a surfer guys voice but I fail miserably. Alex just laughs at me.

"You cannot pull that voice off." He says and starts laughing again. I join in on the laughter, so I'd feel less embarrassed about being laughed at.

"Let's just go back." I mutter, but it's loud enough for him to hear me.

"Alright." He starts walking back and I follow beside him.

"We're off to Neverland!" I shout and begin running back since I know the way back from where we were. Alex grumbles something and I can hear him chasing after me, but I make it back before him and shut and lock the door.

I quickly lock every other possible way he could get in.

"ASHLEY! LET ME IN RIGHT NOW!" He shouts/growls at me through the locked door and I flinch, not being used to being yelled at.

"No." I say, crossing my arms as I stood in front of the door.

"I WILL BREAK THIS DOOR DOWN!" I hear him shout, but it doesn't sound like him... It's probably Ren, his wolf because I'd assume his wolf would take over out of anger.

"Fine then!" I yell back before moving slightly out of the way of the door, so when he breaks it down, it'll hit me and I can make him feel guilty.

The door flies off it's hinges and smacks me in my right should and arm before falling to the floor as I did the same. Lex storms in, his eyes completely black and notices me. His eyes turn back to normal before rushing over to me.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?! I'm so sorry!" He rambles and I physically resist the urge to laugh right then and there if it weren't for the pain in my arm. I'm not going to lie, being hit by a door full-force hurt.

I groaned and began fake crying, holding onto my arm. --Yes, I'm truly evil when it comes to pranking people.--

"I'll take you to the pack doctor." And then he picks me up bridal style, going carefully up the stairs. And now my plan isn't going as planned, I'll just go with it anyways. At last, we reached the next floor and I was taken into a room that resembled a hospital room and I was gently say down on the bed.

"Brynn! Get in here!" Alex shouts out the doorway, I'd assume to get a doctor.

"What wrong?" She asks, a bit worried. She had blonde hair that went to her shoulders and violet colored eyes.

"Um... I kinda accidentally busted through the door and it hit Ashley.." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Okay, I'll check it out." She walks over to me.

After traveling to what felt like every room, I'm taken back to my previous room and sat back down on the bed.

"Okay. She has minor bruising on her arm which should heal in about a week and her shoulder is also going to be slightly bruised, but since most of the impact was directed onto her shoulder, it'll take longer to heal. I'll give her some painkillers so it won't hurt as bad." She tells Alex as I listen. She walks off and comes back with an orange bottle of pills.

"Take one every four hours." Brynn says as she hands the pills to me. "You can stay here overnight to rest unless you want to go back to your room.

"I can go back to me room." I say as I get up and Alex has other plans as he picks me up again and makes his way upstairs to his-- our room. He sits me on the bed and takes the pill bottle and hands me a pill.

I take it and after a while I feel sleepy and lay back on the pillow. Before I know it, I can't keep my eyes open and I let sleep take over me.


I'm not entirely sure how well this chapter was but I honestly don't care. If there are any mistakes, I'm sorry because I'm typing this on a phone which I do every day cause I'm too lazy to get on my laptop.

But thanks for reading! Vote/comment!

Until I update again!

Unforseen LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora