Chapter 16

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As soon as we were inside the house, he slammed the door and turned to face me.

"What were you thinking?!" He yells, furious at me.

"I-I..." I couldn't form a sentence.

"I specifically told you to stay upstairs with Sky, not to escape!" He shouts again.

"I'm sorry, okay?! I couldn't just leave that girl in there! She looked terrified the day before we escaped! So I'm sorry that I ran off to save someone!" I yell back, crying now as I run upstairs and into the bedroom Alex and I share.

I quickly lock the door, going to the bathroom and slamming and locking that door as well. I hear the bedroom door burst open and footsteps stopping by the bathroom door.

"Go away!" I yelled at the door, knowing very well that Alex was standing there.

"No, we need to talk." He says calmly.

"I don't want to talk." I state.

"Ash-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Shut up and leave me alone! I did what I did to save someone! What's so hard about that to understand?! Jeez! Sometimes I wish you weren't my mate!" I yell. I immediately regret the words as I said them, covering my mouth with my hands.

I can feel that he's heartbroken through the mate bond and I can hear him whimper.

"I-I'm so sorry." I apologize, crying harder now as I kept feeling the guilt of my words. I hear the door open as I sit on the floor with my legs pulled up to my chest and my head buried in my knees. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me as I cried.

"It's okay.." He says to me as he holds me close.

I wipe my tears and lean back so I can see his face. "I'm sorry Alex.. I didn't mean to say those things to you.."

"It's fine." He says as he helps me up.

"Alpha, there are two intruders in our territory. What should we do?" Someone says behind Alex which I immediately recognize as Drew.

"Gather a couple guards and take her with you. Make sure she doesn't do anything stupid."

Drew nods before walking off and I follow after him. Two guards join in and Austin just tags along for some odd reason. We make it into the woods and I can see two people, a girl and boy. The boy was sitting by a tree, reading a book and the girl kept talking to him to which he ignored. The girl's shirt caught my attention, it said 'Mentally dating Alex Standall' on it and I screamed out loud because my shirt said 'Mentally dating Jeff Atkins'. The girl looked at me and ran over to me, giving my a big hug.

Austin walked up to the guy and they just started talking about something. The guards had their weapons out, ready to kill.

"I'm Autumn and I'm going to be the pack mom.. If I'm able to join your pack, that is." Autumn had dirty-blonde hair and hazel eyes. The guy -from what I can see- has brown hair and brown eyes. He had on a flannel shirt and a pair of jeans. Austin came over to me with the guy.

"This is Parker, my childhood friend. Parker this is Ashley, my cousin." He introduced us.

I didn't say anything because I was lazy, so instead I walked over to the guards with Autumn.

"This is Autumn. Can she join the pack? Please? She'll be the pack mom." I beg.

The guard's eyes glossed over and I could tell he was mind-linking most likely Alex. The guard's eye return to normal and he nods.

"So both of them can join??" I ask and he nods again.

I take off running back to the pack house with everyone following behind me. I run inside and run into Sky and we both fall down.

"Get off me, fatty!" Sky grumbles, shoving me off her body as she got up and I did the same. Parker went to sit on the couch with Autumn sitting beside him and I decided to go ask them some questions.

"What are you guys?" I ask.

"I'm a werewolf and he's just human." Autumn answer and I could tell she was going to answer all of my other questions too.

"Are you two mates?"

She laughs. "No, we're just friends. We don't have mates or maybe we do.. I don't know." She shrugs.

"What are you reading?" I ask Parker.

"Unforseen Love."

"Oohh, what's it about?"

"This panther-shifter girl who falls in love with a werewolf guy. They go on crazy adventures and stuff. I mean like, I've read this book many times."

"How does it end?"

"Um.. Happily, I guess."

"Okay." I then just walk away to find Sky in the kitchen, looking for food.

"There's nothing to eat! Ugh!" She yells.

I laugh. "Agreed."

She turns to face me. "Hey, stupid." She says before looking for food again.

"Hey, have you saw Coraline anywhere?"

"Um... Last I saw her, she was roaming around the house."

"Oh, well okay then." I say before leaving to go back to the living room and Sky randomly follows.

The door slams open and in walks some man I've never seen before. "Where is she?!" He shouts, frantically.

Coraline runs into the room and jumps into his arms and he wraps his arms around her. "I love you so much." He says. "And the baby." He finishes.

"I love you too." She says back to him.

I turn around and immediately walk back into the kitchen in search f food as Sky does the same. "Seeing other people in love is just weird, isn't it?" She asks.

"I agree." I answer, because it is true... The only time seeing someone in love wasn't weird was on TV. I grab some food and head back to the living room for our famous movie night.

"Movie night!" I shout and turn on Lights Out since the new arrivals haven't watched it with us yet.

I start dozing off about halfway through the movie, falling asleep.

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