"Drop me off out front, the first bell already rang and I don't want to be late." Her hand is already on the door handle, preparing to fly out the door as soon as the car crawls to a stop.

I bite back the smart remark that was about to creep off of my tongue, pulling to the side of the street briefly so she can hop out before I continue around to the back parking lot. I screech into the parking lot and into the first spot I see, which unfortunately is at the back of the lot.

I jump out of the car myself, hauling my backpack onto my shoulder as I rush onto campus, slamming through the back gate and into the main building where my homeroom is. The hallways are completely empty, signaling that the late bell has already rung.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," I chant under my breath.

This will be the second time I'm late this week; the eleventh time this month and I can't even count how many times this month. I skid to a stop in front of my first period, hesitating with my hand on the door handle. Mrs. Baez is going to be pissed. She'll probably call me out in front of the whole class before giving me detention, like she did last time. I close my eyes as I prepare myself mentally, willing to spare the few extra seconds since I'm already 10 minutes late.

"Were you planning on going in anytime soon?" A voice beside me asks. "Because if you want to stay outside I'm sure wecould find something fun to do."

I start at the sudden noise, but I don't turn to look at the speaker, instead throwing open the door without another thought. I walk into the classroom with my head held high, ignoring the dramatic pause Mrs. Baez is giving from the front of the room as I make my way to my desk in the middle of the classroom.

"Ms. Hayes, Mr. Shills, what a pleasure for the both of you to finally join us."

I don't even look at her as I slide into my desk, dropping my bag on the ground before I unzip it to dig out a notebook and pencil. But the person who followed me into the room isn't as smart since he is still standing at the front of the classroom, all eyes now on him. I send up silent thanks, grateful for this pompous asshole that, for some reason, feels the need to have all attention on him.

"Well, Mrs. Baez," the boy grandstands, "I didn't want to deprive you of the chance to see my handsome face this early in the morning."

"Thank you for the opportunity, Mr. Shills," Mrs. Baez frowns at him. "I'll look forward to seeing it again at detention this afternoon."

I close my eyes and start to pray again, hoping that he has been a big enough asshole that she has completely forgotten about me.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..." Mrs. Baez continues, moving on with class as she starts writing something on the whiteboard.

I exhale loudly, opening my eyes as I focus on board, but my eyes are drawn to the person turned around in his seat to stare at me. I purposefully look away, pretending I didn't notice in the first place.

"Hey!" The boy whispers, loudly enough for everyone in between us to hear. "Hey Killer!"
A couple of the girls giggle, and the boys nudge each other proudly. I ignore all of them, my eyes lasered onto the board.

"Hey Killer!" He whispers again. This time even more people hear, and divert their attention to us. "I hope you're not too mad I took the attention I from you. I would hate for you to go postal again."

My eyes dart to his briefly as they narrow drastically. His smile is wide, as are all of the other listening ears around us, eager for my response. I look back to the board, pretending I didn't hear him as I try to focus on Mrs. Baez again.

The Cliche Gone WrongWhere stories live. Discover now