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This is the sequel to my book, Falling Again. If you haven't read it yet, I suggest you go read it. Otherwise, you might not understand some of the things that are happening. Tho tbf, even if you've read Falling Again shit might not make sense. For those of you who have read Falling Again, enjoy!


"She's asking for you."

I sighed, and paused the show I was watching. "It's just going to be the same as last time." I didn't even bother moving my eyes from the still tv screen to my best friend standing across the room from me. 

"You don't know that," Jesy said softly. 

"Oh really?" I snapped, turning my head sharply to face her friend. "You're telling me that even though nothing's changed this whole time I've been visiting her, somehow it's going to be different this time?"

Jesy frowned sympathetically. "I know it's hard, seeing her without her memories of you," she replied carefully, sitting on the edge of the couch. "But the doctors say that the more she sees you, and talks to you, the better her memory will become."

"But I can't sit there and explain the same things over and over, and hear her say that she loves Alex every single time," I shot back, her voice breaking. "It seems like nothing I do is working. That no matter how hard I try, she'll never never remember me."

"I know," Jesy murmured, closing the distance and wrapping her arms around me, pulling me close. "I know. I'm sorry."

I let out a shaky breath, melting into Jesy's arms. "Will it always be like this?" I finally asked, my voice small. 

Jesy didn't speak for a minute, undoubtedly not wanting to upset me further. "I don't know," she finally said. "But I do know that her chances of remembering will be better if you keep visiting her. And that it may seem impossible now, but she will remember you. You were such a big part of her life, there's no way she couldn't. I believe it."

I let out another long breath, and sat up and out of Jesy's arms after a minute of thought. "You really do know how to convince me," I said, letting out a small laugh. 

"It's what I'm here for," Jesy replied, reaching over and rubbing my arm comfortingly. "To make sure you make the right choice."

"Alright then mum," I said, a smile spreading onto her face. "Thanks for being there for me. Let's go."

" ... You might want to get dressed first," Jesy advised, eyeing my stained grey sweatshirt and black sweatpants. I looked down at myself, realized what I was wearing, and nodded my head in agreement.

"You're probably right," I chuckled, disappearing into my bedroom for a couple of minutes, and emerging a minute later sporting jeans and a black turtleneck. "How's this?"

"Fine," Jesy said shorty, apparently, albeit rightly so, not in the mood for fashion consulting. She grabbed her coat tossed me my shoes, her impatience getting the best of her. "Let's go."

I quickly slipped on her shoes and followed my friend out the door, not even bothering to grab a coat. 

The ride over was silent, save for the quiet sound of me drumming my fingers against my thigh. We pulled up to Perrie's house, the sight of the white two-story building only serving to make me more apprehensive. Once the car had stopped I slowly got out, my eyes on the top right window. Perrie's room.

Jesy came around the car and placed a hand on my shoulder, startling me out of my thoughts. "C'mon," she urged gently, beginning to lead me toward the door. As we walked along the path, my eyes trailed over the flowers lining the brick, each one achingly familiar. I've probably memorized the pattern of them by now, I've been here so many times, stared at them so much. 

We approached the door, and I forced my feet to climb the steps onto the front porch, but I couldn't bring myself to knock. I couldn't help but think that this time would be like all the others, and would only end in tears from me, and confusion from Perrie as she asked why I was crying. 

Jesy shot me a sympathetic smile, and knocked on the door instead. For a minute there was no reaction within the house to the knock, and I briefly wondered if nobody was home. Less than a second after I thought that, however, I could hear someone walking toward the door. 

It opened a second later to reveal a rather disheveled Debbie Edwards, who looked like she hadn't slept all night. To be honest, none of us looked our best at this point. Her eyes widened as she took us in, obviously not expecting any visitors right now.

"Hi," I said, waving awkwardly. "I know that I'm a bit early, but-"

Debbie held up a finger to stop me, and slipped outside and shut the door behind her. Once she made sure it was closed, she turned back to me. "Sorry, continue," she said, shifting from one foot to the other. Something was clearly off, and that served to make me increasingly nervous. 

"Are you okay, Deb?" I asked. "Is something wrong?"

She looked at me long and hard for a minute, as if deciding whether to tell me what was bothering her or not. After a minute, she finally spoke. "Well, it's about Perrie," she began hestitantly. 

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" I blurted out, my concern taking over. Debbie merely nodded. 

"She's okay, she's not injured, if that's what you meant," she replied slowly, as if there was still something she wasn't telling me. "But something did happen yesterday, after Leigh Anne left. I didn't feel like it was right to tell you over the phone or via text. I was planning on stopping by later today."

The tone of her voice did nothing to ease my nerves. "Debbie, what is going on?" I demanded. 

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever she was about to say. "Well ... "

Cliffhanger af lol. So, I finally republished it, after months of thinking and thinking about what I should do for it. I cannot guarantee how fast the updates will be, since I am also working on Accidentally. 

Major goals for this sequel: tie up loose ends and fill in plot holes n shit that I left with Falling Again, since I wrote that book over three years ago. Anyways, here it is! Hope you're ready :)


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