chapter 3: A New Beginning Part 2

Começar do início

I blinked at how fast and accurate the action was. My gaze went to the man with the mask, raising my eyebrows at him.

The fact that he had thrown the dagger so fast and accurate was almost terrifying. Almost.

"I warned you." He stated, pulling another dagger free from a pouch at his hip. Seeing the threatening action I flipped the knife mid air and caught it by the handle. "I wasn't trying to escape. I simple wanted my hands free so I could defend myself in case you pulled something like that on me defenseless.'' My voice was slightly nervous sounding, but I covered it up with my marble like face.

"And we wanted you bound so you don't kill everyone in sight." Said a smart mouthed doctor to my right. Slowly I turn my head towards him, meeting his defiant gaze. "I'll make sure I get you first.'' I flick my hand with the kunai at him in a bluff, but he gave a slight shout and ducked down even while I still held the kunai. "Idiot.'' My sarcastic tone made some of the nurses giggle a little while the doctor looked away with a red face.

Looking down quickly I noticed my hand was bleeding where I had caught the knife, giving me another suprise. Normal weapons had never really effected me. Unless it was bombs or knives with a lot of pressure behind them.

My skin was already pulling itself closed again, the bleeding stopping as my skin closed itself from the inside out.

The nurses were watching this all in fascination, quickly writing notes down on clipboards and paper. They weren't using pens either. They were using old fashion paint brushes and black ink.

I hadn't seen that in ages. The last time over a century ago.

"Where am I?" I ask in curiosity, looking around better. The room was painted a creamy color and I recognized some Japanese symbols painted onto posters hanging on the walls.

There was a poster on the wall with a body picture. The eight points of the body's spiritually energy were marked with different colored circles.

I remember seeing this stuff in Japan a thousand years ago when samurai and ninja still ran rampant through the area. This was obviously some area of Japan, but it was a very messed up one.

They had lights and windows of glass, but they were writing with brushes and I could see no modern technology in sight. Outside the window closest to me I could see what looked similar to Mt. Rushmore. There were four faces carved into the face of a sandstone ridge that seemed to over look a town around the building I was in.

I had to admit the artistry in the faces was impressive.

"You are in Konaha." Stated the older man with a wave of his hands. He looked at me with thoughtfulness, and I stared him back in the eyes. I didn't know who he was, but he had this vibe around him of knowledge and extreme power. I didn't feel anything negative from him. Only wariness about my abilities I'd guess.

A hand went up and he stroked the beard on his face.

"If you don't mind answering a few questions for me..." He trailed off as he looked at me intensely. I shrugged. They would probably kill me or I them anyways, so there was no reason for me to with hold anything.

I was trapped here for now. I was sure if I could just get outside I could easily out run anyone who went after me. My kind was fast. We could easily out run humans and their vehicles.

I was faster than most of my kind anyways.

"What are you?" The obvious question came out first. For a moment I thought about it, acting as if it took me a moment to remember.

"I believe some call my kind vampires.''

They looked at me with confusion. Even the lazy guy looked slightly interested as he read a orange colored book.

Beautiful RemainsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora