Born in winter ( Part 5 )

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" You awake? " mumbled a soft voice as Jeff tried to twist out of his position to no avail, his blurry state only allowing him to groan in answer.
As his eyes focused he looked to his sides to scan the room, immediately noticing how he was tightly cuffed to a bed. His hoodie was off too, and - much to his surprise - his wounds seemed to be patched up, but there was however no denying that it hurt like fuck.
Jeff didn't really feel like struggling though - not yet at least, but he wasn't a big fan of being held down. Once he came to a focused state he looked up to meet the eyes of the man who brought him here. A slender, brown haired boy with almond eyes and a tired look on his face. He looked as if he had been crying. Jeff stared at him for a while, then he seemed to tense up a bit, gritting his teeth.

" Didn't expect me to be alive? " Liu suddenly spoke, breaking the awkward silence making Jeff let out a sarcastic little laugh. " I hoped not. " he replied quickly, glancing away, yet his eyebrows furrowed as he bit the inside of his cheek.
" Thanks, bro.. Feels fucking amazing to know that! Now.. How do you feel? Better now that everyone who cared for you is dead? You fucking psycho. " Liu suddenly snapped, his eyes narrowing down at the skinny rag doll-like man before him.

Jeff glared back at him, not replying, not even moving. He just stared, his gaze dull and hollow. However his straight face was soon to change as Liu suddenly slapped him across the face, making his head snap to the side. " ANSWER ME! DO YOU FEEL BETTER NOW?! " Liu screamed, he was crying again. The green eyes filled with hatred as the tears soon began to roll down the scarred cheeks, matching his brothers.

" Yeah, actually, I feel a lot better. Feels just.. Fine.. You know, perfect. Everything is all good. " Jeff muttered sarcastically, rolling his head back to stare at the ceiling. " .. there wasn't a single day where I didn't think of you.. where you might be. Perhaps in the hopes of seeing you soon.. Motherfucker.. you were supposed to die! Then you wouldn't have to deal with the mess I caused. " Jeff mumbled, a small trickle of warm blood starting to run from his lip where the slap had caused his dry lips to split. He smiled, almost sympathetically.

Liu could just stare at him in disbelief, nails digging into his own palms. " You monster. I'm disgusted! How could I ever call you my brother.. " He hissed under his breath before continuing his sentence. " It I knew this is how you would've turned out.. " he trailed off, rubbing his forehead. " Oh brother plea– " " You're NOT my brother! .. Not anymore.. "
Liu glared at him. " What the fuck am I supposed to do with you now..? " He mumbled and paced back and forth for a moment before sighing. Watching how Jeff pulled at the cuffs keeping him stuck to the cheap, metal bed post, a frown on his lips. " Struggle and I'll bind you up worse. " He snapped at the killer.

Jeff raised an eyebrow, a look of dissatisfaction plastering his face. " Jeez, what happened to you? " He asked, the silence making him laugh. Liu was having none of it though and this time punched him, a bruise quickly forming both on the killers cheekbone and the brothers knuckles. Jeff just kept laughing though, causing Liu to leave the room, slamming the door behind him.

[ Jeff's not dead y'all >_>
I have no idea where this story is going R.I.P ]

Born in winter. ( A Jeff the killer/Homicidal Liu story. )Where stories live. Discover now