Born in winter ( Jeffrey Woods. )

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Homelessness, the cold, the snow, a killer.
Three years ago he had shaken the fancy town his parents had looked forward to live in, made the people tumble in fear, and throughout the years he had spread the fear.

Jeffrey Woods was the name, and today was his birthday, a cold November night. With cold hands shoved into his hoodie pocket he leaned against a brick wall, his hood pulled up as he stared at his feet, tensing his body in an attempt to not give in to the bitter cold that pricked his skin like needles. Eventually he slid down against the wall into a sitting position, curling up to stay warm, his stomach growling.

He knew what he had to do to get a place to sleep and eat, but yet he wanted to lay low for a couple days, the cops being up his ass and chased him from his last position.. Or was it his paranoia?

Jeff sighed, shutting his icy blue eyes tiredly for a couple of minutes. That is until he heard footsteps in the snow which gave in under the weight of the stranger walking past him. Jeff simply scanned him, the man had a black winter jacket, hood pulled up and a black and white scarf wrapped around his neck, covering the lower part of his face as well. He didn't even seem to notice the young adult sitting on the frozen ground.
Jeff frowned, according to him it just wasn't fair! The stranger looked so warm compared to him, he looked like he had a place to go to as well, something Jeff had given up on years ago.
He never meant to let things end up like this, but he only had himself to blame.

Huffing the killer stood back up, brushing himself off as he began to follow the well covered man in silence, keeping his distance, but he was ready to follow this stranger inside to his cozy, warm home to end what could be just a weak beginning. He was thirsting for his blood in the most sinister and sadistic ways, ways no sane human being could ever begin to understand. But to him it was all survival, right? Well.. most of it.
He slowly wrapped his fingers around the handle of his BC-41 knife, tightening the grip as he saw the man slowly turn his head to look at him, only to freeze in his tracks.

(( Hello! Just another A/N! Please check out the summary-thingy of this story! :] I'll try to update asap. ))

Born in winter. ( A Jeff the killer/Homicidal Liu story. )Where stories live. Discover now