"Don't say that kid! I got it for ya! Oh! & I'm not taking no for an answer!" He says as we all walk into the market dragging us over to the dairy area, & then to the other area. I smile mentally thinking how he was naive for doing this for me when he didn't have too.

"Goodness Clint you need to calm down." The red head says pointing over to me, & smiling. Clint rolls his eyes still smiling.

"Oh come on Natasha! I feel bad let e actually drag YOU around for once!" He says grabbing 12 dozen eggs, & then dragging us all over to the cashier.


They walked me all the way near my apartment. 

"Well as much as I want to see if you can really beat Mwah at the game of Mario Kart we need to go! I hope we see each other some other time though! Bye Pete!" Clint says as him, & Natasha walk off back the way we came. Shaking my head I wave, & smiled at them as I continue my walk towards the building.

Once I reached the door I almost dropped everything on the ground when I noticed three random people running across the street. They were wearing all black, & held...wait are those guns in they're hands!? That's dangerous to just run around the place with those if they're not even on safety! I opened my door quickly to rush over to the kitchen to put everything down when I heard screaming..Oh no are they shooting people out now! Come on go to hurry go to hurry!

Running out the door I notice that it was those guys who were screaming..Seeing what looked to be two bodies on the ground I look for the police..I hadn't heard any sirens, so were they just in the area? Seeing that the third guy wasn't around I guess he probably just escaped. Walking a couple feet closer towards the bodies a little shocked I check them over from afar.

They both had been cut in half! Bodies covered in bruises, & scars as blood pooled around them. I was shocked scared even. I flip my hood over my head to get a slightly closer look at everything else. Wait..they must be criminals if they were killed on the spot like this, but once again the police aren't even around..unless they went after the one who probably escaped still..

Turning around I manage to bump into someone. Thinking it could've been the one that escaped I quickly throw a blind punch at them..Only for my punch to be stopped out in the blue! Opening my eyes I look up to see someone else dressed different from the others. This guy was dressed clad in black, & red! It look almost like my Spider-Man outfit just without the webs, & it screaming 'Hey I cause trouble!'. Yanking my fist away from the stranger I look up more into a masked covered face. 

"What's a small thing like you doing out here in the streets this afternoon near two lovely dead bodies?" The guy asks. His voice deep scratchy, & serious. I can feel my entire body shiver. I stare up at him not forgetting the weapons that he's covered with. Fear is all I feel right not.

"Um hello? I know you heard me..unless your death then I guess you wouldn't really know what I'm saying in the first place anyway.." He says almost talking to himself. Thinking this was my chance to escape I slowly walk around him crouching just in case, & quickly start trying to make my way back towards my building. Then I felt a tug on my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"& where do you think your going? Boy your shaking like a rabbit! I might just call you that! Hey little bunny the names Dead-pool!" He says turning me a good 180 degrees to face him. I wave a little, staring at the ground below."Well I don't got all day ya'know! Being the mercenary I am I got places to go! So who are?" He asks standing very tall over me. He looks like he's 6 ft!

Uhh let's just hope he knows sign language..

"Peter Parker huh? Well it's nice too meet ya Petey! Let's hope we see each other around sometime in the future alright! Now you go on ahead, & run to your lil hole! Bu-bye!" Dead-pool says leaving me as he walks away. Standing there shocked for a bit I shake my head, & quickly walk over to my apartment, opening the door, but quickly closing, & locking it.

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