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If you didn't Know I have an Edwin book out also called " His Remorse " go read children.

Josie's POV

So after an hour after arguing with the people who worked at the airport , well Nick was arguing with them. We finally was off to Miami. I feel like everything is moving too fast. Just a few hours ago I was in the hospital , now I'm on a plane to a whole different city. This is for the best and Im glad I got Nick with me.

not too glad though.

" I hate planes I swear to motherfucking god. " He clenched on to the arm rest of the seat and closed his eyes shut the plane didn't even finish boarding up yet. He is so dramatic , I swear.

" Nick it's not that serious ! " People was starting to stare and I wasn't bout to embarrass by a 19 year old. He became less nervous as soon as I put my hand over his it wasn't even funny , he was really scared. I actually felt bad.

" It is serious ! " He breathed out heavily and I rolled my eyes.

" Miss how many hours till we land ? " I ask the flight attendant. She looks at Nick the back at me , letting out a laugh.

" We haven't even took off. " She walks away and I swear I just wanna rip my ears off from Nick's complaining.

" Nick I swear to god if you don't shut the fuc- "

" Josephine Diaz to the front of the plane . Josephine Diaz. "

Me and Nick look at each other and to the front of the plane. I can't see anything past those curtains , I wish I had some sort of super power shit. It would really be useful right now. Why is somebody calling my name ?

" Don't go. " Nick grabs my arm as I get up to see what's going on. " Please ? "

" Nick I bet it's nothing. I'll be back. " He looks at me for a few seconds before letting go my arm. He looks more nervous than when we boarded the plane.

I walk past the rows of sleeping people , screaming babies and business people towards the curtains. When I walk past it's the flight attendant who I was speaking to earlier.

" Mrs Diaz , you have a phone call. " I could see right through that fake smile that something was wrong. I grabbed the phone from her hand and she rushed out .

" Hello ? "

" Jocelyn , how nice to hear from you ? "

" Father ? " I look outside the curtains and everything seems normal. What the hell is going on ?

" Who else would it be ? "

" Why are you calling ? How do you know where I'm at ? "

" That's something for me to know and for you to find out. "

" What do you want ? "

" Miami , it's a beautiful place but answer this. Have you ever heard of the saying , Killing two birds with one stone ? "


" Come find me first. "

" Oh I already did. You see you thought leaving Los Angeles will escape your problems when really it would bring you more. This whole time I was one step ahead of you and you didn't even know it. See you at the airport. " The line goes dead and I rush to my seat. I take a look at the people and a few caught my eye.

My father's people all in different rows away from us but watching. They stare me down as I sit calmly in my seat. Nick is asking me a bunch of questions but I can't process anything right now. The only thing I know right now is that we have to get off this plane.

I get up again but this time I take Nick with me. The men watch me carefully as we go into the bathroom.

" Jo what's wrong ? "

" We have 5 minutes till they're done boarding the plane. That means we have little time to get off. " He looks at me like I have four heads. " Did you hear me ? "

" Who was that behind the curtain ? "

" I got a phone call from my dad. He has men on this plane ready to take us the minute we land. We have to go. " I can't believe those words just came out my mouth.

" What the f- " He sighs , collecting himself together. " Which rows ? "

" 2 over from ours , why ? "

" Look you're going to start screaming and yelling at me like we just had an argument. They will call security and kick us out. Everybody else will have to stay on the plane. " I nodded and he quietly opened the door.

" I will get off this fucking plane and leave your ass ! " He shouts , shoving me not too hard out the stall. Oh so we're starting now ?

" Fuck you , I'm getting off this plane first ! " I yell and I slap him across the face. The look on his face had me ready to burst into laughter. He grabs my wrist roughly enough to get the flight attendants attention. People are now yelling at us for causing trouble. Everything is going into place.

We argue as loud as we can and throw a few moves into there. Sooner than we thought , security was picking us up. " Get off of me and arrest him ! " I struggle against the man and I see Nick struggling too. When his eyes meet mine he sends a wink but quickly get back into character.

" You're luggage will be with you shortly " The place us in seats in the airport and everybody is looking at us like we're crazy. We both fold our arms over our chest , childishly.

One of the security walked off while the others stood a few feet away from us , talking among themselves.

" Let's go.We'll get our luggage later. " Nick whispers and grabs my hand. We quietly move away from them and once we're out of their sight we run as fast as we can towards the exits.

But we had our hopes up- of getting away - way to high.


Anonymous POV

I watched as Jo and that Diaz boy run through the airport. How silly of them to think that they can outsmart me ? I call Christian's men to go after them and I get excited as I watch everything go they way I want it.

They are snatched away from the public's eye , putting bags over their heads and cloths in their mouth to knock them out. Gerald looks at me and nods as he casually drags them out the airport into the car , quickly.

Now it's my turn.

I take out the gun and put it in the air , letting it go off. The sound echoes through the airport . Nobody notices its me as I put it away and walk normal while everybody scurries and hides for safety.

Once I'm out I get into the van along with the two people I'm ready to send off this earth.

Here we go.


Trouble // Nick Mara AUWhere stories live. Discover now