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Im sorry lmfaooooooooo

Nick's POV

" Sir , sir. " The nurse tapped me ,  I couldn't move & I couldn't speak. I was frozen. " Come on baby let's sit . " The lady with chocolate skin & curly hair lifted me up & sat me on the hospital chair. " He's going to do just fine okay ? Your friend is on the phone you dropped it. " She put the phone to my ear & I grabbed it. 

" Nick ? What am I going to do ?! How am I going to tell his family this & Char ? Oh my god Char was supposed to pick us up at the airport in a few hours. " 

" He's not dead " I whispered. 

" Yes the fuck he is Nick ! We can't ignore this shit come on - " 

" HE'S NOT FUCKING DEAD OKAY ! " The nurse backed up & Ed started to scream at me but I just slammed my phone into the ground , making it break into little pieces. " We need more medical attention in room 2132. " 

" Help him ! " I told the nurse & she told me to calm down while she ran into the room to help. " This can't be happening ! This can't be fuckin- " I rammed my hand into the nearest wall. Instead of the concrete breaking , my bones cracked. 

" FUCK ! My fucking hand ! " I cry out & clutch it. A Chinese nurse runs up to me & holds my hand. " Its broken - Oh my fuck ! " I jump & down & she tells me to sit in the hospital room next to Zion's. " My friend he's dying please hurry. "

my hand was covered in blood & I could see my knuckles out of place. Why do I do this to myself .. why do god do this to me  ? 

" Okay I'ma get doctor. " 

Tears escape as I reminisce on what just happened. Brandon is not fucking dead. I'm not believing it. My hand hurts so bad. I don't know what to do with my life. How am I going to tell anybody this. 

" Nicholas ? " I look up to see Dr Porter with watery eyes. " Edwin just called me. A- What happened to your hand ? " 

" Just help me please , Zion is dying , Brandon is dead , Jo is dying. Fix me. " I sobbed & choked on my tears. She hugged me on the side , being careful not touch my hand. 

" Things happen for a reason son. " She told me & I nodded. " Okay I ca- " 

" Time of death 1:27 PM. " I heard the doctor say aloud. I must be hearing things. 

" Do not tell me that's Zion Mrs Porter . " I clenched my fixed hand & held back the tears. " I-I can't lose another friend. Tell me what the hell is going on " 

" I-I'll be back. " 

" God please I can't take this. Please don't let it be Zion. I already refuse to believe I lost Brandon,  he was the youngest out of all of us. He was such a good person , he was about to Marry Char & he has kid on the way. Please I can't take this. Zion has so much going on in life already. Jo will kill me for letting him die even if it wasn't my fault. " I prayed the same words over & over. Praying to god  to save me from this life. I can't take it.

" Nick ? I'm so sorry. " Mrs Porter announced , she was crying herself. I threw the closest thing to me. " Calm down ! "

" No ! Bring him back ! Bring him back right the fuck now ! Let me see him " I get up from the bed & march over towards the door but the lady stops me. " Mrs Porter please. " 

" He's gone ! " She says & I push but she holds me back. Eventually I fall in her arms & she catches me. " I'm so sorry baby. He's in a better place. He was suffering. " 

" I can't take the pain. Make it stop. " I fall to the ground & she lays on the marbled floor with me. " Please take me away. My heart hurts. I-I can't breathe. " I try to take deep breaths but its useless. 

" Nick ... Nick ? Get a doctor ! He's having an attack ! " She calls out but its too late. 

I'm falling into a darkness & I can't pull myself out. 


" Nick ... Nick ? get up bro ! " I feel a shove & I jolt up. I'm met with blonde hair & brown eyes. " Are you crying ? "

What the hell happened ? I wipe the drops on the corner of my eyes & sit up. Austin is on his crutches in front of the chair. What am I doing in Austin's room ? 

" Austin ... Zion - they called a code blue. Brandon , the plane. Oh my god my hand is  it .... fixed ? " my hand isn't in a cast nor is it broken & bloody like before. " What happened ? " 

" What kind of shit are you on bro ? You came up here after seeing Jo & you fell asleep right on this chair. I was telling you how you should give Jo a chance . Don't you remember ? " 

I shake my head. The dream felt too real to be fake. I could still see my self on the floor in Mrs porter's arms . I could hear the flat line of Zion , the screaming of Edwin. this made me realize I can't lose nobody. 

" Bro I had the craziest dream. I don't even wanna talk about it . I- "

" Code blue ! Code blue ! Room 2132 " 

" Bro ! That's Z 's room " 

Maybe it wasn't a dream after all. 


Oh mah gawd 

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